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The ULTIMATE Playlist (Final Show)

This week marked the final Perfect Playlist show and boy did we celebrate!

Firstly, we have to conclude the ongoing bants bananza with cheeky Charlie off of Drive.

Over the last 3 months or so, since Charlie took over the drive show, he’s been being very cheeky! Finding all sorts of completely innocent clips of other presenters, quite often yours truly, and played them out of context to make them sound all rude!

I’d tried in the past to get him back, first with his own “Innuendo Charlie” mix:

But that didn’t work, he still kept coming back with more little clips, even cutting up a paragraph of me saying “You can have a semibreve, a crotchet or a quaver, which they’d call a Full, Half or Quarter” when describing the real musical terms for those notes you could use on an old Nokia to make yourself a ringtone, into “You can have a semi full crotch”! So I tried another tact and came up with his very own “Mambo Charlie” where I cut up all his famous and common expressions in place of the girly names:

But I never really won. Until Today!!!!


Yes! I played a game with Charlie and my special guest Justin, where I played both of them completely innocent previously broadcast chat, and censored it in certain strategic places to make it sound like it might have been a little bit rude (when it wasn’t!). I asked the chaps to guess what the real words had been, before I censored it.

You can listen to that game and following on from that, the whole final last ever most awesome totally ultimate ULTIMATE PERFECT PLAYLIST here: (yes… a little emosh)

[mixcloud width=”” height=”” cover=”1″ mini=”1″ light=”1″ autoplay=”1″ tracklist=”1″ artwork=”1″ iframe=”true” ][/mixcloud]

Justin was my very first guest back when the show started and he very kindly came back for the last show. This time, instead of bringing his own perfect playlist (for a second time) he helped me sort through all the answers we’ve ever had and select our ultimate playlist.


I’ll be honest, we totally threw the rule book out the window! We also invited a very large group of people to pop up once in a while to clap or play trumpets, but other than that they were very quiet……


It’s been a blast – Thanks for listening!


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The ULTIMATE Playlist (Final Show)

This week marked the final Perfect Playlist show and boy did we celebrate!

Firstly, we have to conclude the ongoing bants bananza with cheeky Charlie off of Drive.

Over the last 3 months or so, since Charlie took over the drive show, he’s been being very cheeky! Finding all sorts of completely innocent clips of other presenters, quite often yours truly, and played them out of context to make them sound all rude!

I’d tried in the past to get him back, first with his own “Innuendo Charlie” mix:

But that didn’t work, he still kept coming back with more little clips, even cutting up a paragraph of me saying “You can have a semibreve, a crotchet or a quaver, which they’d call a Full, Half or Quarter” when describing the real musical terms for those notes you could use on an old Nokia to make yourself a ringtone, into “You can have a semi full crotch”! So I tried another tact and came up with his very own “Mambo Charlie” where I cut up all his famous and common expressions in place of the girly names:

But I never really won. Until Today!!!!


Yes! I played a game with Charlie and my special guest Justin, where I played both of them completely innocent previously broadcast chat, and censored it in certain strategic places to make it sound like it might have been a little bit rude (when it wasn’t!). I asked the chaps to guess what the real words had been, before I censored it.

You can listen to that game and following on from that, the whole final last ever most awesome totally ultimate ULTIMATE PERFECT PLAYLIST here: (yes… a little emosh)

[mixcloud width=”” height=”” cover=”1″ mini=”1″ light=”1″ autoplay=”1″ tracklist=”1″ artwork=”1″ iframe=”true” ][/mixcloud]

Justin was my very first guest back when the show started and he very kindly came back for the last show. This time, instead of bringing his own perfect playlist (for a second time) he helped me sort through all the answers we’ve ever had and select our ultimate playlist.


I’ll be honest, we totally threw the rule book out the window! We also invited a very large group of people to pop up once in a while to clap or play trumpets, but other than that they were very quiet……


It’s been a blast – Thanks for listening!


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The ULTIMATE Playlist (Final Show)

This week marked the final Perfect Playlist show and boy did we celebrate!

Firstly, we have to conclude the ongoing bants bananza with cheeky Charlie off of Drive.

Over the last 3 months or so, since Charlie took over the drive show, he’s been being very cheeky! Finding all sorts of completely innocent clips of other presenters, quite often yours truly, and played them out of context to make them sound all rude!

I’d tried in the past to get him back, first with his own “Innuendo Charlie” mix:

But that didn’t work, he still kept coming back with more little clips, even cutting up a paragraph of me saying “You can have a semibreve, a crotchet or a quaver, which they’d call a Full, Half or Quarter” when describing the real musical terms for those notes you could use on an old Nokia to make yourself a ringtone, into “You can have a semi full crotch”! So I tried another tact and came up with his very own “Mambo Charlie” where I cut up all his famous and common expressions in place of the girly names:

But I never really won. Until Today!!!!


Yes! I played a game with Charlie and my special guest Justin, where I played both of them completely innocent previously broadcast chat, and censored it in certain strategic places to make it sound like it might have been a little bit rude (when it wasn’t!). I asked the chaps to guess what the real words had been, before I censored it.

You can listen to that game and following on from that, the whole final last ever most awesome totally ultimate ULTIMATE PERFECT PLAYLIST here: (yes… a little emosh)

[mixcloud width=”” height=”” cover=”1″ mini=”1″ light=”1″ autoplay=”1″ tracklist=”1″ artwork=”1″ iframe=”true” ][/mixcloud]

Justin was my very first guest back when the show started and he very kindly came back for the last show. This time, instead of bringing his own perfect playlist (for a second time) he helped me sort through all the answers we’ve ever had and select our ultimate playlist.


I’ll be honest, we totally threw the rule book out the window! We also invited a very large group of people to pop up once in a while to clap or play trumpets, but other than that they were very quiet……


It’s been a blast – Thanks for listening!


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The ULTIMATE Playlist (Final Show)

This week marked the final Perfect Playlist show and boy did we celebrate!

Firstly, we have to conclude the ongoing bants bananza with cheeky Charlie off of Drive.

Over the last 3 months or so, since Charlie took over the drive show, he’s been being very cheeky! Finding all sorts of completely innocent clips of other presenters, quite often yours truly, and played them out of context to make them sound all rude!

I’d tried in the past to get him back, first with his own “Innuendo Charlie” mix:

But that didn’t work, he still kept coming back with more little clips, even cutting up a paragraph of me saying “You can have a semibreve, a crotchet or a quaver, which they’d call a Full, Half or Quarter” when describing the real musical terms for those notes you could use on an old Nokia to make yourself a ringtone, into “You can have a semi full crotch”! So I tried another tact and came up with his very own “Mambo Charlie” where I cut up all his famous and common expressions in place of the girly names:

But I never really won. Until Today!!!!


Yes! I played a game with Charlie and my special guest Justin, where I played both of them completely innocent previously broadcast chat, and censored it in certain strategic places to make it sound like it might have been a little bit rude (when it wasn’t!). I asked the chaps to guess what the real words had been, before I censored it.

You can listen to that game and following on from that, the whole final last ever most awesome totally ultimate ULTIMATE PERFECT PLAYLIST here: (yes… a little emosh)

[mixcloud width=”” height=”” cover=”1″ mini=”1″ light=”1″ autoplay=”1″ tracklist=”1″ artwork=”1″ iframe=”true” ][/mixcloud]

Justin was my very first guest back when the show started and he very kindly came back for the last show. This time, instead of bringing his own perfect playlist (for a second time) he helped me sort through all the answers we’ve ever had and select our ultimate playlist.


I’ll be honest, we totally threw the rule book out the window! We also invited a very large group of people to pop up once in a while to clap or play trumpets, but other than that they were very quiet……


It’s been a blast – Thanks for listening!


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