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The ExtraJordanary Show | Episode 23: The Green-eyed Monster

Episode Theme: Jealousy

[mixcloud width=100% height=120 hide_cover=1 light=1]

A standout episode, diving into the murky and mercurial world of jealousy – especially insofar as it pertains to “Christmas”, “the movie Toy Story”, “Lady Gaga” and “Louis CK”. Sod your Mr. Frosties, bust out your Buzz Lightyears and join us for a darkly comic meander through the Emerald City of the mind.

New features include “Love Hearts” and “Love Hearts (Parma Violet edition)”.

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The ExtraJordanary Show | Episode 23: The Green-eyed Monster

Episode Theme: Jealousy

[mixcloud width=100% height=120 hide_cover=1 light=1]

A standout episode, diving into the murky and mercurial world of jealousy – especially insofar as it pertains to “Christmas”, “the movie Toy Story”, “Lady Gaga” and “Louis CK”. Sod your Mr. Frosties, bust out your Buzz Lightyears and join us for a darkly comic meander through the Emerald City of the mind.

New features include “Love Hearts” and “Love Hearts (Parma Violet edition)”.

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The ExtraJordanary Show | Episode 23: The Green-eyed Monster

Episode Theme: Jealousy

[mixcloud width=100% height=120 hide_cover=1 light=1]

A standout episode, diving into the murky and mercurial world of jealousy – especially insofar as it pertains to “Christmas”, “the movie Toy Story”, “Lady Gaga” and “Louis CK”. Sod your Mr. Frosties, bust out your Buzz Lightyears and join us for a darkly comic meander through the Emerald City of the mind.

New features include “Love Hearts” and “Love Hearts (Parma Violet edition)”.

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The ExtraJordanary Show | Episode 23: The Green-eyed Monster

Episode Theme: Jealousy

[mixcloud width=100% height=120 hide_cover=1 light=1]

A standout episode, diving into the murky and mercurial world of jealousy – especially insofar as it pertains to “Christmas”, “the movie Toy Story”, “Lady Gaga” and “Louis CK”. Sod your Mr. Frosties, bust out your Buzz Lightyears and join us for a darkly comic meander through the Emerald City of the mind.

New features include “Love Hearts” and “Love Hearts (Parma Violet edition)”.

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