Brentwood: currently 7°C, cloudy
high today 7°C, low tonight 6°C
sunrise 07:52, sunset 15:49
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Paul Golder - Resurrection (08 Dec 2024, with Dominic Masters)
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Spook for yourself

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Welcome to my little post radio show type blog; which always is an odd concept for a radio show to me….still hello. We chatted about the annual ‘Trick or Treat’ nonsense and asked about traditions, Whilst hearing the odd spooky track within some classics and new tracks- this week by the way… from Canadian outfit ‘Leathers.  a sensual pairing of Christo + Marc Massive, a sweet Lemonade Kid, A track from the new Eden album and one from the new Le Cliche, and from a debut EP from Zundapp. Plus a huge remix from Tenek and a few classics tracks and the odd synth goth horror connection.

I also mentioned some gigs and a very noble Charity album Harvesting Hope – This album is for Jack Howard. Jack is 12 years old and is fighting cancer for the second time. All UK treatment has failed and the family need to get him vital treatment in America. All money made from the album will go to the charity set up by Jack’s family to help towards the treatment – You get 45 tracks for a £5….[you can donate more]

If you missed the live radio show, then as per… my specially produced Mixcloud rerun;

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Spook for yourself

Synth City Banner

Welcome to my little post radio show type blog; which always is an odd concept for a radio show to me….still hello. We chatted about the annual ‘Trick or Treat’ nonsense and asked about traditions, Whilst hearing the odd spooky track within some classics and new tracks- this week by the way… from Canadian outfit ‘Leathers.  a sensual pairing of Christo + Marc Massive, a sweet Lemonade Kid, A track from the new Eden album and one from the new Le Cliche, and from a debut EP from Zundapp. Plus a huge remix from Tenek and a few classics tracks and the odd synth goth horror connection.

I also mentioned some gigs and a very noble Charity album Harvesting Hope – This album is for Jack Howard. Jack is 12 years old and is fighting cancer for the second time. All UK treatment has failed and the family need to get him vital treatment in America. All money made from the album will go to the charity set up by Jack’s family to help towards the treatment – You get 45 tracks for a £5….[you can donate more]

If you missed the live radio show, then as per… my specially produced Mixcloud rerun;

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Spook for yourself

Synth City Banner

Welcome to my little post radio show type blog; which always is an odd concept for a radio show to me….still hello. We chatted about the annual ‘Trick or Treat’ nonsense and asked about traditions, Whilst hearing the odd spooky track within some classics and new tracks- this week by the way… from Canadian outfit ‘Leathers.  a sensual pairing of Christo + Marc Massive, a sweet Lemonade Kid, A track from the new Eden album and one from the new Le Cliche, and from a debut EP from Zundapp. Plus a huge remix from Tenek and a few classics tracks and the odd synth goth horror connection.

I also mentioned some gigs and a very noble Charity album Harvesting Hope – This album is for Jack Howard. Jack is 12 years old and is fighting cancer for the second time. All UK treatment has failed and the family need to get him vital treatment in America. All money made from the album will go to the charity set up by Jack’s family to help towards the treatment – You get 45 tracks for a £5….[you can donate more]

If you missed the live radio show, then as per… my specially produced Mixcloud rerun;

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Spook for yourself

Synth City Banner

Welcome to my little post radio show type blog; which always is an odd concept for a radio show to me….still hello. We chatted about the annual ‘Trick or Treat’ nonsense and asked about traditions, Whilst hearing the odd spooky track within some classics and new tracks- this week by the way… from Canadian outfit ‘Leathers.  a sensual pairing of Christo + Marc Massive, a sweet Lemonade Kid, A track from the new Eden album and one from the new Le Cliche, and from a debut EP from Zundapp. Plus a huge remix from Tenek and a few classics tracks and the odd synth goth horror connection.

I also mentioned some gigs and a very noble Charity album Harvesting Hope – This album is for Jack Howard. Jack is 12 years old and is fighting cancer for the second time. All UK treatment has failed and the family need to get him vital treatment in America. All money made from the album will go to the charity set up by Jack’s family to help towards the treatment – You get 45 tracks for a £5….[you can donate more]

If you missed the live radio show, then as per… my specially produced Mixcloud rerun;

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