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American singer songwriter, Tra Cee is back! Interview & Live performance.

Michelle Ward – Eat my Brunch – 10am – 1pm weekdays

tra cee 2

Tra Cee is on her second visit to the UK and Phoenix FM (she was on the show back in February) this time to record her video for Conversations in London. A whistle stop trip from Hammond, Indiana.

Joining Tra Cee in the studio, her Manager Reggie Barns and actor/voice over artist Vic Waghorn @Vic_Waghorn who have both made appearances in her video.
tra cee 4tra cee 3

Fantastic to have Tra Cee singing live again in the studio and we got to hear her original material


Plus we got to hear Hearts and Symphony.

Interview Part One

Interview Part Two

Tra Cee should be back in the UK in 2017 and we hope to see her live with her band at Ronnie Scotts in London.

Tra Cee is also COO Songbird of Terror Records, Inc.

tra cee pic 1


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American singer songwriter, Tra Cee is back! Interview & Live performance.

Michelle Ward – Eat my Brunch – 10am – 1pm weekdays

tra cee 2

Tra Cee is on her second visit to the UK and Phoenix FM (she was on the show back in February) this time to record her video for Conversations in London. A whistle stop trip from Hammond, Indiana.

Joining Tra Cee in the studio, her Manager Reggie Barns and actor/voice over artist Vic Waghorn @Vic_Waghorn who have both made appearances in her video.
tra cee 4tra cee 3

Fantastic to have Tra Cee singing live again in the studio and we got to hear her original material


Plus we got to hear Hearts and Symphony.

Interview Part One

Interview Part Two

Tra Cee should be back in the UK in 2017 and we hope to see her live with her band at Ronnie Scotts in London.

Tra Cee is also COO Songbird of Terror Records, Inc.

tra cee pic 1


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American singer songwriter, Tra Cee is back! Interview & Live performance.

Michelle Ward – Eat my Brunch – 10am – 1pm weekdays

tra cee 2

Tra Cee is on her second visit to the UK and Phoenix FM (she was on the show back in February) this time to record her video for Conversations in London. A whistle stop trip from Hammond, Indiana.

Joining Tra Cee in the studio, her Manager Reggie Barns and actor/voice over artist Vic Waghorn @Vic_Waghorn who have both made appearances in her video.
tra cee 4tra cee 3

Fantastic to have Tra Cee singing live again in the studio and we got to hear her original material


Plus we got to hear Hearts and Symphony.

Interview Part One

Interview Part Two

Tra Cee should be back in the UK in 2017 and we hope to see her live with her band at Ronnie Scotts in London.

Tra Cee is also COO Songbird of Terror Records, Inc.

tra cee pic 1


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American singer songwriter, Tra Cee is back! Interview & Live performance.

Michelle Ward – Eat my Brunch – 10am – 1pm weekdays

tra cee 2

Tra Cee is on her second visit to the UK and Phoenix FM (she was on the show back in February) this time to record her video for Conversations in London. A whistle stop trip from Hammond, Indiana.

Joining Tra Cee in the studio, her Manager Reggie Barns and actor/voice over artist Vic Waghorn @Vic_Waghorn who have both made appearances in her video.
tra cee 4tra cee 3

Fantastic to have Tra Cee singing live again in the studio and we got to hear her original material


Plus we got to hear Hearts and Symphony.

Interview Part One

Interview Part Two

Tra Cee should be back in the UK in 2017 and we hope to see her live with her band at Ronnie Scotts in London.

Tra Cee is also COO Songbird of Terror Records, Inc.

tra cee pic 1


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