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Georgia sings her debut single The Girl LIVE – 10 June 2016

Georgia is a local singer-songwriter who originally studied musical theatre, and has a passion for Motown, Soul and Blues thanks to her parents music collection.

Last year Georgia came 2nd in Teenstar – the national singing competition. Since then she has been playing with her new band The Vintage Youth and getting a lot of positive interest from the music industry.

I chatted to Georgia about her upcoming debut album.

Listen to the interview and hear the live session here:

It was a real pleasure to meet Georgia and hearing her sing live was really special. For dates where she is playing live go to her website at

Georgia Xanthe pic

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Georgia sings her debut single The Girl LIVE – 10 June 2016

Georgia is a local singer-songwriter who originally studied musical theatre, and has a passion for Motown, Soul and Blues thanks to her parents music collection.

Last year Georgia came 2nd in Teenstar – the national singing competition. Since then she has been playing with her new band The Vintage Youth and getting a lot of positive interest from the music industry.

I chatted to Georgia about her upcoming debut album.

Listen to the interview and hear the live session here:

It was a real pleasure to meet Georgia and hearing her sing live was really special. For dates where she is playing live go to her website at

Georgia Xanthe pic

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Georgia sings her debut single The Girl LIVE – 10 June 2016

Georgia is a local singer-songwriter who originally studied musical theatre, and has a passion for Motown, Soul and Blues thanks to her parents music collection.

Last year Georgia came 2nd in Teenstar – the national singing competition. Since then she has been playing with her new band The Vintage Youth and getting a lot of positive interest from the music industry.

I chatted to Georgia about her upcoming debut album.

Listen to the interview and hear the live session here:

It was a real pleasure to meet Georgia and hearing her sing live was really special. For dates where she is playing live go to her website at

Georgia Xanthe pic

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Georgia sings her debut single The Girl LIVE – 10 June 2016

Georgia is a local singer-songwriter who originally studied musical theatre, and has a passion for Motown, Soul and Blues thanks to her parents music collection.

Last year Georgia came 2nd in Teenstar – the national singing competition. Since then she has been playing with her new band The Vintage Youth and getting a lot of positive interest from the music industry.

I chatted to Georgia about her upcoming debut album.

Listen to the interview and hear the live session here:

It was a real pleasure to meet Georgia and hearing her sing live was really special. For dates where she is playing live go to her website at

Georgia Xanthe pic

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