On the week Duran Duran gained an award from MTV and it followed Q Magazine’s recent award to Gary Numan, you could be forgiven if you felt that artists from the 80’s were getting some final respect- or is is just good marketing by the labels. We also witnessed the massive promotional mammoth the is the Bond franchise this week, with the release of Spectre. A film franchise that also got some stick in the 80’s – maybe an Oscar is due soon….. just saying.
We had another 80’s legend, in the shape of a track from the last ever Visage album, which was completed after the sad loss of Steve Strange. It is hoped that from the sales a statue can be financed. On the show we had the new single from Circuit 3 and Model Depose, along with a great album track from the forth coming album from Tenek. In my undercover slot we had a slight hint toward Halloween with a cover track from Promenade Cinema, which is part of a cover album due out with lots of unsigned artists, care of DEF (Doncaster Electronic Foundation) and this particular track revives that 80’s classic from Rockwell with a Lady Gaga Vibe. I try and mention all the live music shows coming up and the odd one where I’m DJ’ing at, so as one of them is getting close- Eclectic Electric, I thought I’d play two artists due to perform on the November 14th gig, Black Nail Cabaret and Aka
If you missed all the live show malarkey, then feel free to subscribe and rerun my Mixcloud edition;
Synth City with Rob Harvey: Oct 27th 2015 on Phoenix 98 FM by Rob Harvey on Mixcloud