Back in the city of music ah.. SYNTH CITY. In a week that we heard radio DJ, TV celeb and general all round ginger motor-mouth Chris Evans is said to become the new presenter for Top Gear. I posed a little question to whom we like to see as co-presenter- I felt we should have new faces or maybe the shame of Tiff Needell… just to annoy Clarkson.
Still we had another selection of new music from Scotland to Italy, with new tracks from Hot Pink Abuse, Destination, She made Me Do it and Jeff Appleton. Set within a few classics we had my Synth Legend- this week two tracks for the price of one. We had another quality electronic cover in UNDER COVER and a band who went before the party started, in my LOST PROPERTY feature.
If you missed out on the actual live show, with all that and more then feel free to catch up on my rerun, via Mixcloud;
Synth City with Rob Harvey: June 16th 2015 on Phoenix 98 FM (Edited) by Rob Harvey on Mixcloud