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October in the Garden

SpiderDespite the horrendous downpours and flooding we have had recently, September was the warmest and dryest since records began over 100 years ago! In the papers this week they were reporting that spiders are bigger than normal because of the good summer we have had. The headlines were of course “Giant Spiders set to invade homes!”for those who don’t like spiders gardening can be a bit of a chore at this time of the year having their webs in your face! What’s the best karate teacher? A spiders web!

I got asked during the week why spring flowering plants were flowering now! Well that’s easy, if you have a good memory ! Do you remember in late August we had a cold snap, so cold some people turned their heating on! And then since then we have had a few weeks of warm dry weather. The plants thought they had a mild winter and decide to flower! Don’t worry it won’t harm the plants.

October gardening as always is governed by the weather but more so. The daily rises and falls of the temperature are more extreme. Watch out for ground frosts and bring in those tender plants. Make the most of dry weather to finish harvesting and preparing the soil.

To hear weekly updates on what to do in the garden join me on every Sunday 10am to Noon.

Happy Gardening




October in the Garden

SpiderDespite the horrendous downpours and flooding we have had recently, September was the warmest and dryest since records began over 100 years ago! In the papers this week they were reporting that spiders are bigger than normal because of the good summer we have had. The headlines were of course “Giant Spiders set to invade homes!”for those who don’t like spiders gardening can be a bit of a chore at this time of the year having their webs in your face! What’s the best karate teacher? A spiders web!

I got asked during the week why spring flowering plants were flowering now! Well that’s easy, if you have a good memory ! Do you remember in late August we had a cold snap, so cold some people turned their heating on! And then since then we have had a few weeks of warm dry weather. The plants thought they had a mild winter and decide to flower! Don’t worry it won’t harm the plants.

October gardening as always is governed by the weather but more so. The daily rises and falls of the temperature are more extreme. Watch out for ground frosts and bring in those tender plants. Make the most of dry weather to finish harvesting and preparing the soil.

To hear weekly updates on what to do in the garden join me on every Sunday 10am to Noon.

Happy Gardening




October in the Garden

SpiderDespite the horrendous downpours and flooding we have had recently, September was the warmest and dryest since records began over 100 years ago! In the papers this week they were reporting that spiders are bigger than normal because of the good summer we have had. The headlines were of course “Giant Spiders set to invade homes!”for those who don’t like spiders gardening can be a bit of a chore at this time of the year having their webs in your face! What’s the best karate teacher? A spiders web!

I got asked during the week why spring flowering plants were flowering now! Well that’s easy, if you have a good memory ! Do you remember in late August we had a cold snap, so cold some people turned their heating on! And then since then we have had a few weeks of warm dry weather. The plants thought they had a mild winter and decide to flower! Don’t worry it won’t harm the plants.

October gardening as always is governed by the weather but more so. The daily rises and falls of the temperature are more extreme. Watch out for ground frosts and bring in those tender plants. Make the most of dry weather to finish harvesting and preparing the soil.

To hear weekly updates on what to do in the garden join me on every Sunday 10am to Noon.

Happy Gardening




October in the Garden

SpiderDespite the horrendous downpours and flooding we have had recently, September was the warmest and dryest since records began over 100 years ago! In the papers this week they were reporting that spiders are bigger than normal because of the good summer we have had. The headlines were of course “Giant Spiders set to invade homes!”for those who don’t like spiders gardening can be a bit of a chore at this time of the year having their webs in your face! What’s the best karate teacher? A spiders web!

I got asked during the week why spring flowering plants were flowering now! Well that’s easy, if you have a good memory ! Do you remember in late August we had a cold snap, so cold some people turned their heating on! And then since then we have had a few weeks of warm dry weather. The plants thought they had a mild winter and decide to flower! Don’t worry it won’t harm the plants.

October gardening as always is governed by the weather but more so. The daily rises and falls of the temperature are more extreme. Watch out for ground frosts and bring in those tender plants. Make the most of dry weather to finish harvesting and preparing the soil.

To hear weekly updates on what to do in the garden join me on every Sunday 10am to Noon.

Happy Gardening



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