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Playlist for The Jed Shepherd Show on 27th April 2014

Before you read this, type in “Slow Club – Complete Surrender” into google or youtube (or shave it onto your dog if you are so inclined) and hear/see just how incredible this song is. I’ve always been a fairweather listener to Slow Club, but once did meet the lead singer in a corridor (there is no cool story here, she just asked me if her shoes were cool and I told her I wasn’t the best judge of women’s shoes and awkwardly laughed and she looked at me as if I’d kicked her mum in the shin) so this was a complete surprise. Not only do I think this is the best Slow Club song ever, but I think it may just well be the second best song I have heard this year. If you are too lazy to track this song down (I fully understand the effort it takes to ctrl + c and then ctrl + v, sometimes its more than I can bear) then its essentially a cross between the theme song to a 1970s murder/cult movie, the Lithuanian entry in the 1986 Eurovision song contest, and a conversation with your ex-girlfriend at 3am where you are just audibly nodding while she tells you just exactly why everything is your fault. In other words… AMAZING.

Check out the other songs I played.

16:07:19 Slow Club – Complete Surrender
16:11:47 Royal Canoe – Exodus Of The Year

16:18:01 The 1975 – Settle Down (EMBRZ Remix)
16:23:04 Menswe@r – Crash – 2014 Single
16:28:04 Vinyl Theatre – Breaking up My Bones
16:32:14 Keep Shelly In Athens – Old Time Glory
16:36:06 Local Natives – Ceilings (Kasbo Remix)
16:41:11 London Grammar – Hey Now Bonobo Remix
16:54:00 Bahamas – Caught Me Thinking
16:57:03 MISUN – Travel With Me
17:03:39 Tears For Fears – My Girls (Animal Collective Cover)
17:08:21 Alina Baraz _ Galimatias – Pretty Thoughts
17:11:57 FRIDA SUNDEMO – For You, Love
17:17:04 Last Lynx – Lacuna
17:20:54 Son Lux _ Lorde – Easy (Switch Screens) Feat. Lorde
17:25:33 Made In Heights – Murakami
17:33:57 Shugo Tokumaru – Lovely Allen
17:40:11 Eli Mardock – Everything Happens for the First Time
17:48:56 Future Islands – Cotton Flower
17:53:46 Germany Germany – Departure

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Playlist for The Jed Shepherd Show on 27th April 2014

Before you read this, type in “Slow Club – Complete Surrender” into google or youtube (or shave it onto your dog if you are so inclined) and hear/see just how incredible this song is. I’ve always been a fairweather listener to Slow Club, but once did meet the lead singer in a corridor (there is no cool story here, she just asked me if her shoes were cool and I told her I wasn’t the best judge of women’s shoes and awkwardly laughed and she looked at me as if I’d kicked her mum in the shin) so this was a complete surprise. Not only do I think this is the best Slow Club song ever, but I think it may just well be the second best song I have heard this year. If you are too lazy to track this song down (I fully understand the effort it takes to ctrl + c and then ctrl + v, sometimes its more than I can bear) then its essentially a cross between the theme song to a 1970s murder/cult movie, the Lithuanian entry in the 1986 Eurovision song contest, and a conversation with your ex-girlfriend at 3am where you are just audibly nodding while she tells you just exactly why everything is your fault. In other words… AMAZING.

Check out the other songs I played.

16:07:19 Slow Club – Complete Surrender
16:11:47 Royal Canoe – Exodus Of The Year

16:18:01 The 1975 – Settle Down (EMBRZ Remix)
16:23:04 Menswe@r – Crash – 2014 Single
16:28:04 Vinyl Theatre – Breaking up My Bones
16:32:14 Keep Shelly In Athens – Old Time Glory
16:36:06 Local Natives – Ceilings (Kasbo Remix)
16:41:11 London Grammar – Hey Now Bonobo Remix
16:54:00 Bahamas – Caught Me Thinking
16:57:03 MISUN – Travel With Me
17:03:39 Tears For Fears – My Girls (Animal Collective Cover)
17:08:21 Alina Baraz _ Galimatias – Pretty Thoughts
17:11:57 FRIDA SUNDEMO – For You, Love
17:17:04 Last Lynx – Lacuna
17:20:54 Son Lux _ Lorde – Easy (Switch Screens) Feat. Lorde
17:25:33 Made In Heights – Murakami
17:33:57 Shugo Tokumaru – Lovely Allen
17:40:11 Eli Mardock – Everything Happens for the First Time
17:48:56 Future Islands – Cotton Flower
17:53:46 Germany Germany – Departure

Listen to my show every week on Sundays 4-6pm!


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Playlist for The Jed Shepherd Show on 27th April 2014

Before you read this, type in “Slow Club – Complete Surrender” into google or youtube (or shave it onto your dog if you are so inclined) and hear/see just how incredible this song is. I’ve always been a fairweather listener to Slow Club, but once did meet the lead singer in a corridor (there is no cool story here, she just asked me if her shoes were cool and I told her I wasn’t the best judge of women’s shoes and awkwardly laughed and she looked at me as if I’d kicked her mum in the shin) so this was a complete surprise. Not only do I think this is the best Slow Club song ever, but I think it may just well be the second best song I have heard this year. If you are too lazy to track this song down (I fully understand the effort it takes to ctrl + c and then ctrl + v, sometimes its more than I can bear) then its essentially a cross between the theme song to a 1970s murder/cult movie, the Lithuanian entry in the 1986 Eurovision song contest, and a conversation with your ex-girlfriend at 3am where you are just audibly nodding while she tells you just exactly why everything is your fault. In other words… AMAZING.

Check out the other songs I played.

16:07:19 Slow Club – Complete Surrender
16:11:47 Royal Canoe – Exodus Of The Year

16:18:01 The 1975 – Settle Down (EMBRZ Remix)
16:23:04 Menswe@r – Crash – 2014 Single
16:28:04 Vinyl Theatre – Breaking up My Bones
16:32:14 Keep Shelly In Athens – Old Time Glory
16:36:06 Local Natives – Ceilings (Kasbo Remix)
16:41:11 London Grammar – Hey Now Bonobo Remix
16:54:00 Bahamas – Caught Me Thinking
16:57:03 MISUN – Travel With Me
17:03:39 Tears For Fears – My Girls (Animal Collective Cover)
17:08:21 Alina Baraz _ Galimatias – Pretty Thoughts
17:11:57 FRIDA SUNDEMO – For You, Love
17:17:04 Last Lynx – Lacuna
17:20:54 Son Lux _ Lorde – Easy (Switch Screens) Feat. Lorde
17:25:33 Made In Heights – Murakami
17:33:57 Shugo Tokumaru – Lovely Allen
17:40:11 Eli Mardock – Everything Happens for the First Time
17:48:56 Future Islands – Cotton Flower
17:53:46 Germany Germany – Departure

Listen to my show every week on Sundays 4-6pm!


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Playlist for The Jed Shepherd Show on 27th April 2014

Before you read this, type in “Slow Club – Complete Surrender” into google or youtube (or shave it onto your dog if you are so inclined) and hear/see just how incredible this song is. I’ve always been a fairweather listener to Slow Club, but once did meet the lead singer in a corridor (there is no cool story here, she just asked me if her shoes were cool and I told her I wasn’t the best judge of women’s shoes and awkwardly laughed and she looked at me as if I’d kicked her mum in the shin) so this was a complete surprise. Not only do I think this is the best Slow Club song ever, but I think it may just well be the second best song I have heard this year. If you are too lazy to track this song down (I fully understand the effort it takes to ctrl + c and then ctrl + v, sometimes its more than I can bear) then its essentially a cross between the theme song to a 1970s murder/cult movie, the Lithuanian entry in the 1986 Eurovision song contest, and a conversation with your ex-girlfriend at 3am where you are just audibly nodding while she tells you just exactly why everything is your fault. In other words… AMAZING.

Check out the other songs I played.

16:07:19 Slow Club – Complete Surrender
16:11:47 Royal Canoe – Exodus Of The Year

16:18:01 The 1975 – Settle Down (EMBRZ Remix)
16:23:04 Menswe@r – Crash – 2014 Single
16:28:04 Vinyl Theatre – Breaking up My Bones
16:32:14 Keep Shelly In Athens – Old Time Glory
16:36:06 Local Natives – Ceilings (Kasbo Remix)
16:41:11 London Grammar – Hey Now Bonobo Remix
16:54:00 Bahamas – Caught Me Thinking
16:57:03 MISUN – Travel With Me
17:03:39 Tears For Fears – My Girls (Animal Collective Cover)
17:08:21 Alina Baraz _ Galimatias – Pretty Thoughts
17:11:57 FRIDA SUNDEMO – For You, Love
17:17:04 Last Lynx – Lacuna
17:20:54 Son Lux _ Lorde – Easy (Switch Screens) Feat. Lorde
17:25:33 Made In Heights – Murakami
17:33:57 Shugo Tokumaru – Lovely Allen
17:40:11 Eli Mardock – Everything Happens for the First Time
17:48:56 Future Islands – Cotton Flower
17:53:46 Germany Germany – Departure

Listen to my show every week on Sundays 4-6pm!


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