Brentwood: currently 13°C, light rain
high today 18°C, low tonight 12°C
sunrise 07:10, sunset 18:22
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Fatboy Slim feat Dan Diamond and Luca Guerrieri - Role Model
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A field day for the music

MaldonWe welcomed back CARL MERRY into the studio with another ESSEX TALE. This week’s story went back to the year 991 and the Battle of Maldon – a battle that the men of Essex, even though heavily outnumbered, could easily have won had it not been for the good old Anglo Saxon spirit of fair play which allowed the Vikings to cross the causeway before fighting commenced.

Listen again to today’s tale by clicking on the link below: –

We also heard about the avant garde music festival in Spain which opened with an orchestra consisting solely of tractors of various kinds. All this weird tractor band“arty crafty” stuff always reminds me of the story of the King’s Clothes!

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A field day for the music

MaldonWe welcomed back CARL MERRY into the studio with another ESSEX TALE. This week’s story went back to the year 991 and the Battle of Maldon – a battle that the men of Essex, even though heavily outnumbered, could easily have won had it not been for the good old Anglo Saxon spirit of fair play which allowed the Vikings to cross the causeway before fighting commenced.

Listen again to today’s tale by clicking on the link below: –

We also heard about the avant garde music festival in Spain which opened with an orchestra consisting solely of tractors of various kinds. All this weird tractor band“arty crafty” stuff always reminds me of the story of the King’s Clothes!

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A field day for the music

MaldonWe welcomed back CARL MERRY into the studio with another ESSEX TALE. This week’s story went back to the year 991 and the Battle of Maldon – a battle that the men of Essex, even though heavily outnumbered, could easily have won had it not been for the good old Anglo Saxon spirit of fair play which allowed the Vikings to cross the causeway before fighting commenced.

Listen again to today’s tale by clicking on the link below: –

We also heard about the avant garde music festival in Spain which opened with an orchestra consisting solely of tractors of various kinds. All this weird tractor band“arty crafty” stuff always reminds me of the story of the King’s Clothes!

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A field day for the music

MaldonWe welcomed back CARL MERRY into the studio with another ESSEX TALE. This week’s story went back to the year 991 and the Battle of Maldon – a battle that the men of Essex, even though heavily outnumbered, could easily have won had it not been for the good old Anglo Saxon spirit of fair play which allowed the Vikings to cross the causeway before fighting commenced.

Listen again to today’s tale by clicking on the link below: –

We also heard about the avant garde music festival in Spain which opened with an orchestra consisting solely of tractors of various kinds. All this weird tractor band“arty crafty” stuff always reminds me of the story of the King’s Clothes!

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