For my second YouTube Clip I wanted to do another comedy clip. And no other Clip on YouTube went as quickly up in view numbers than this next video link. This video was recorded on television in America on a show like what we have here in the UK such as Jeremy Kyle/Trisha that sort of thing. As soon as this clip was uploaded to the internet on YouTube it gained over 44 million views in a very short space of time.
So here it is, The Best Cry Ever!
But wait there’s more! Because you see like all famous YouTube clips, you always get some cleaver people who decide to have a bit of fun and turn these videos into a song. One of the most ingenious ways of turning a clip like this into a song is by using something called Autotune. There have been different versions of this but in my opinion this is my favourite…
Tune in next week where you will see the return of an old favourite, Walk Off The Earth…