Easter Saturday, the clocks go forward to British Summer Time tonight and yet the weatherman says that winter is still with us. And indeed the snow flurries have continued on and off all day.
Thankfully I was in a nice warm studio talking to local author Stephen Haughan who has just published his first novel – “GISSA FAG”. Indeed so successful has the book proved that he has already set about writing a sequel which should be available in 6-8 weeks time and a third book is being planned. Stephen is a builder by trade and spends time writing whilst commuting to and from work on the train. As ideas present themselves during the working day, Stephen makes notes on anything that happens to be close by when the ideas hit so he has been known to make jottings on pieces of wood! Living above a pub in Hutton provides Stephen with the opportunity to observe people and has proven to be a veritable treasure trove to be exploited to provide both dialogue and inspiration for new characters.
Listen again to my chat with Stephen right here: – [audio:https://www.phoenixfm.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Steve-Haughan.mp3|titles=Steve Haughan]
In our Brentwood & Billericay BYGONES feature, the subject chosen by Frances Clamp this week was the story of BRENTWOOD’s COAT of ARMS and if you missed this listen again to what Frances said here: – [audio:https://www.phoenixfm.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Bygones-26th-March2.mp3|titles=Bygones 26th March]
Well it only remains for me to express my wish that you enjoy the rest of your extended Bank Holiday Easter weekend. See you next week.