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What to do in the Garden – 10th to 17th June


  • Keep baskets and patio pots watered and fed. I know, with all this rain you might still need to water!
  • Spray roses to protect them from pests and diseases
  • Cut the foliage of daffodils and tulips down to the ground
  • You can add gravel on top of where they have flowered to remind you not to dig!
  • Trim box topiary and formal edging to keep it neat and tidy
  • Take cuttings of non-flowering new shoots from shrubs and pot them up in gritty compost
  • Rub greenfly off rose buds, or apply a soap-based spray. (Stergene is pure soap)
  • Lightly trim broom and genista after flowering to keep plants in shape
  • Water newly planted trees and shrubs if conditions turn hot and dry
  • Tidy up rock gardens, trimming off faded blooms, digging out weeds and replenishing mulches of grit
  • Keep a few bedding plants in reserve to plug gaps where disasters strike

Fruit and Veg Garden

  • Spread mulch around beans and other crops to help conserve soil moisture
  • Net developing soft fruits to protect them from birds
  • Spray apple trees showing signs of powdery mildew or scab
  • Water onions and other crops to keep them growing strongly
  • Stop cutting asparagus by the end of June to allow the ferns to form
  • Thin out heavy gooseberry crops by removing the smallest fruits, and use these for cooking
  • Make successional sowings of salad leaves and radishes
  • Sow seeds of herbs like coriander and parsley
  • Sow veg seeds now. Try rocket, spinach, beetroot, carrots, calabrese, mini-cauliflowers, spinach, chicory, endive, kohl rabi, peas, spinach beet, swede and turnips

The Greenhouse

  • Tie greenhouse tomatoes to their supportsas they grow
  • Feed plants with full-strength fertiliser solution once a week, or apply a more diluted feed every few days
  • Apply shading paint or put up shade netting or blinds
  • Open doors and vents daily, and damp down the floor every morning
  • Be on the lookout for pests, including whitefly and red spider mite, and treat at once with a suitable spray or biological control
  • Pot up rooted cuttings
  • Pinch out the tips of cucumber sideshoots two leaves beyond a female flower
  • Check potted plants every day, watering if required
  • Pinch out sideshoots of tomato plants

Have a great gardening week!



What to do in the Garden – 10th to 17th June


  • Keep baskets and patio pots watered and fed. I know, with all this rain you might still need to water!
  • Spray roses to protect them from pests and diseases
  • Cut the foliage of daffodils and tulips down to the ground
  • You can add gravel on top of where they have flowered to remind you not to dig!
  • Trim box topiary and formal edging to keep it neat and tidy
  • Take cuttings of non-flowering new shoots from shrubs and pot them up in gritty compost
  • Rub greenfly off rose buds, or apply a soap-based spray. (Stergene is pure soap)
  • Lightly trim broom and genista after flowering to keep plants in shape
  • Water newly planted trees and shrubs if conditions turn hot and dry
  • Tidy up rock gardens, trimming off faded blooms, digging out weeds and replenishing mulches of grit
  • Keep a few bedding plants in reserve to plug gaps where disasters strike

Fruit and Veg Garden

  • Spread mulch around beans and other crops to help conserve soil moisture
  • Net developing soft fruits to protect them from birds
  • Spray apple trees showing signs of powdery mildew or scab
  • Water onions and other crops to keep them growing strongly
  • Stop cutting asparagus by the end of June to allow the ferns to form
  • Thin out heavy gooseberry crops by removing the smallest fruits, and use these for cooking
  • Make successional sowings of salad leaves and radishes
  • Sow seeds of herbs like coriander and parsley
  • Sow veg seeds now. Try rocket, spinach, beetroot, carrots, calabrese, mini-cauliflowers, spinach, chicory, endive, kohl rabi, peas, spinach beet, swede and turnips

The Greenhouse

  • Tie greenhouse tomatoes to their supportsas they grow
  • Feed plants with full-strength fertiliser solution once a week, or apply a more diluted feed every few days
  • Apply shading paint or put up shade netting or blinds
  • Open doors and vents daily, and damp down the floor every morning
  • Be on the lookout for pests, including whitefly and red spider mite, and treat at once with a suitable spray or biological control
  • Pot up rooted cuttings
  • Pinch out the tips of cucumber sideshoots two leaves beyond a female flower
  • Check potted plants every day, watering if required
  • Pinch out sideshoots of tomato plants

Have a great gardening week!



What to do in the Garden – 10th to 17th June


  • Keep baskets and patio pots watered and fed. I know, with all this rain you might still need to water!
  • Spray roses to protect them from pests and diseases
  • Cut the foliage of daffodils and tulips down to the ground
  • You can add gravel on top of where they have flowered to remind you not to dig!
  • Trim box topiary and formal edging to keep it neat and tidy
  • Take cuttings of non-flowering new shoots from shrubs and pot them up in gritty compost
  • Rub greenfly off rose buds, or apply a soap-based spray. (Stergene is pure soap)
  • Lightly trim broom and genista after flowering to keep plants in shape
  • Water newly planted trees and shrubs if conditions turn hot and dry
  • Tidy up rock gardens, trimming off faded blooms, digging out weeds and replenishing mulches of grit
  • Keep a few bedding plants in reserve to plug gaps where disasters strike

Fruit and Veg Garden

  • Spread mulch around beans and other crops to help conserve soil moisture
  • Net developing soft fruits to protect them from birds
  • Spray apple trees showing signs of powdery mildew or scab
  • Water onions and other crops to keep them growing strongly
  • Stop cutting asparagus by the end of June to allow the ferns to form
  • Thin out heavy gooseberry crops by removing the smallest fruits, and use these for cooking
  • Make successional sowings of salad leaves and radishes
  • Sow seeds of herbs like coriander and parsley
  • Sow veg seeds now. Try rocket, spinach, beetroot, carrots, calabrese, mini-cauliflowers, spinach, chicory, endive, kohl rabi, peas, spinach beet, swede and turnips

The Greenhouse

  • Tie greenhouse tomatoes to their supportsas they grow
  • Feed plants with full-strength fertiliser solution once a week, or apply a more diluted feed every few days
  • Apply shading paint or put up shade netting or blinds
  • Open doors and vents daily, and damp down the floor every morning
  • Be on the lookout for pests, including whitefly and red spider mite, and treat at once with a suitable spray or biological control
  • Pot up rooted cuttings
  • Pinch out the tips of cucumber sideshoots two leaves beyond a female flower
  • Check potted plants every day, watering if required
  • Pinch out sideshoots of tomato plants

Have a great gardening week!



What to do in the Garden – 10th to 17th June


  • Keep baskets and patio pots watered and fed. I know, with all this rain you might still need to water!
  • Spray roses to protect them from pests and diseases
  • Cut the foliage of daffodils and tulips down to the ground
  • You can add gravel on top of where they have flowered to remind you not to dig!
  • Trim box topiary and formal edging to keep it neat and tidy
  • Take cuttings of non-flowering new shoots from shrubs and pot them up in gritty compost
  • Rub greenfly off rose buds, or apply a soap-based spray. (Stergene is pure soap)
  • Lightly trim broom and genista after flowering to keep plants in shape
  • Water newly planted trees and shrubs if conditions turn hot and dry
  • Tidy up rock gardens, trimming off faded blooms, digging out weeds and replenishing mulches of grit
  • Keep a few bedding plants in reserve to plug gaps where disasters strike

Fruit and Veg Garden

  • Spread mulch around beans and other crops to help conserve soil moisture
  • Net developing soft fruits to protect them from birds
  • Spray apple trees showing signs of powdery mildew or scab
  • Water onions and other crops to keep them growing strongly
  • Stop cutting asparagus by the end of June to allow the ferns to form
  • Thin out heavy gooseberry crops by removing the smallest fruits, and use these for cooking
  • Make successional sowings of salad leaves and radishes
  • Sow seeds of herbs like coriander and parsley
  • Sow veg seeds now. Try rocket, spinach, beetroot, carrots, calabrese, mini-cauliflowers, spinach, chicory, endive, kohl rabi, peas, spinach beet, swede and turnips

The Greenhouse

  • Tie greenhouse tomatoes to their supportsas they grow
  • Feed plants with full-strength fertiliser solution once a week, or apply a more diluted feed every few days
  • Apply shading paint or put up shade netting or blinds
  • Open doors and vents daily, and damp down the floor every morning
  • Be on the lookout for pests, including whitefly and red spider mite, and treat at once with a suitable spray or biological control
  • Pot up rooted cuttings
  • Pinch out the tips of cucumber sideshoots two leaves beyond a female flower
  • Check potted plants every day, watering if required
  • Pinch out sideshoots of tomato plants

Have a great gardening week!


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