Brentwood: currently 6°C, cloudy
high today 7°C, low tonight 3°C
sunrise 07:58, sunset 15:49
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ZZ Top - Viva Las Vegas
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Last one for 2011….aww

Well here we are, the last show for me for 2011 and what an amusing little year…. no review from me, as there are enough out there, So we simply enjoyed the great music from the year.

I’d rather look forward to 2012...the Olympic 2012 will finally be here and the celebration for HM The Queens Diamond jubilee ….and those just for starters. Phoenix 98 FM moves to a new studio complex and I final find the woman of my dreams; well 3 out of 4 are certain…





Have a Happy New year and prosperous one….

……see you next Saturday….

live from 7am with Comedy and gig guides, twofers and lots great music…..

Spring into 2012...

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Last one for 2011….aww

Well here we are, the last show for me for 2011 and what an amusing little year…. no review from me, as there are enough out there, So we simply enjoyed the great music from the year.

I’d rather look forward to 2012...the Olympic 2012 will finally be here and the celebration for HM The Queens Diamond jubilee ….and those just for starters. Phoenix 98 FM moves to a new studio complex and I final find the woman of my dreams; well 3 out of 4 are certain…





Have a Happy New year and prosperous one….

……see you next Saturday….

live from 7am with Comedy and gig guides, twofers and lots great music…..

Spring into 2012...

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Last one for 2011….aww

Well here we are, the last show for me for 2011 and what an amusing little year…. no review from me, as there are enough out there, So we simply enjoyed the great music from the year.

I’d rather look forward to 2012...the Olympic 2012 will finally be here and the celebration for HM The Queens Diamond jubilee ….and those just for starters. Phoenix 98 FM moves to a new studio complex and I final find the woman of my dreams; well 3 out of 4 are certain…





Have a Happy New year and prosperous one….

……see you next Saturday….

live from 7am with Comedy and gig guides, twofers and lots great music…..

Spring into 2012...

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Last one for 2011….aww

Well here we are, the last show for me for 2011 and what an amusing little year…. no review from me, as there are enough out there, So we simply enjoyed the great music from the year.

I’d rather look forward to 2012...the Olympic 2012 will finally be here and the celebration for HM The Queens Diamond jubilee ….and those just for starters. Phoenix 98 FM moves to a new studio complex and I final find the woman of my dreams; well 3 out of 4 are certain…





Have a Happy New year and prosperous one….

……see you next Saturday….

live from 7am with Comedy and gig guides, twofers and lots great music…..

Spring into 2012...

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