In the Flower Garden
- Cut late-summer-flowering clematis right down to soil level
- Divide congested clumps of perennials such as asters, campanulas, rudbeckias and chrysanthemums after flowering
- Plant bare-rooted roses
- Dig up and compost exhausted summer bedding
- Plant out wallflowers, interspersing with taller-growing tulips
- Pile a thick mulch of compost or bark around hardy fuchsias to protect them from frost. You can also add some grit around the base of the plant for extra drainage.
- Move shrubs, including conifers and evergreens, that have outgrown their position
- Pot up tender perennials from summer displays to bring under cover for winter protection
- Pick leaves affected by rose blackspot and collect any lying on the ground nearby
- Cut down perennials whose seedheads aren’t worth keeping, digging in compost around them
The Fruit and Vegetable Garden
- Wrap grease bands around fruit trees to catch female winter moths climbing up from the soil
- Plant out garlic or start growing cloves in pots to plant out later
- Clear away old crops and dig over the ground
- Sow hardy peas under fleece for an early crop next year
- Harvest mature marrows, pumpkins and squashes
- Save fully ripe seeds from your favourite peas, beans and tomatoes to sow next year
- Pick apples and pears as they ripen
- Sow a green manure crop of winter rye on bare areas of soil
- Order fruit trees, bushes and cane fruits for winter planting
- Sow broad beans outside under cloches, or raise in pots to plant out later
The Greenhouse
- Insulate your greenhouse by lining the inside with bubble polythene
- Bring tender plants under cover
- Sow sweet peas in deep pots and overwinter in the greenhouse or a cold frame
- Check greenhouse heaters are working efficiently
- Spread out harvested onions on staging to dry thoroughly before storing
- Monitor day and night temperatures with a max-min thermometer and turn on heating if needed
- Water plants sparingly and avoid splashing the water around
- Move Christmas cacti to where they get short days and long nights, with no artificial light, to promote flowering
- Clean staging and wash capillary matting to use next summer
- Bring potted peaches and nectarines under cover
Generally Around the Garden
- Add old crops and bedding to the compost heap
- Spike lawns then brush grit into the holes to improve surface drainage
- Collect seeds from beans and sweet peas to sow next year
- Firm soil around newly planted trees and shrubs if they’ve been loosened by wind
- Check bulbs and tubers in storage for signs of rot
- Rake up leaves to compost into leaf-mould
- Sow a green manure crop of field beans on bare soil
- Build a log pile for beneficial insects and animals to use for hibernation
- Send off for new seed and bulb catalogues
- Check bonfires carefully before lighting to make sure there are no sleeping hedgehogs underneath