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high today 11°C, low tonight 5°C
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What to do in the garden – Second Week of August

In The Flower Garden

  • Deadhead flowers of lady’s mantle before they set seed
  • Water camellias to make sure they don’t dry out while the flower buds are developing
  • Buy bulbs for autumn planting including tulips, narcissus, alliums, iris and crocus
  • Take cuttings from tender perennials and bedding plants
  • Collect seed from any flowers you fancy propagating
  • Trap earwigs among dahlias with upside-down pots stuffed with straw and balanced on canes
  • Pick leaves off plants affected by rose blackspot
  • Trim conifer hedges and evergreen hedges, cutting their tops back to the desired height
  • Clear bedding that has passed its best and plant out forget-me-nots and wallflowers
  • Tidy up fading perennials and make compost with the trimmings

The Fruit and Vegetable Garden

  • Pick plums as they ripen
  • Ease onions from the soil with a fork to prepare them for harvesting
  • Finish pruning trained forms of apple trees like cordons, espaliers and fans
  • Water crops regularly, especially during hot weather
  • Lift marrows into the sunshine and rest them on bricks to ripen
  • Identify plants showing symptoms of potato blight, and immediately remove affected leaves and stems
  • Order garlic bulbs and onion sets for autumn planting
  • Prune out fruited canes on summer-cropping raspberries
  • Net blackberries and autumn-fruiting raspberries
  • Veg to sow now include swedes, spring cabbages, beetroot for leaves, winter lettuces, radishes, coriander, Japanese onions

The Greenhouse

  • Plant prepared hyacinth bulbs in special hyacinth vases (available at garden centres) or in pots of bulb fibre
  • Sow parsley in modular trays
  • Water crops in growing bags and pots
  • Open vents each day, but close them at night if the weather turns cold
  • Place poinsettias in the total dark for 14 hours a day to encourage colourful bracts to form, moving into full light for the rest of the day
  • Water indoor cyclamen after their summer rest to encourage new growth
  • Plant lachenalia and veltheimia bulbs
  • Pick off the lower leaves from tomatoes to allow light and air to reach the fruits

Generally Around The Garden

  • Pick off leaves infected by rose blackspot or rose rust, and dispose of them in your dustbin and not on the compost heap
  • Set up an automatic watering system with a drip nozzle for potted plants if you’re going on holiday
  • Top up water levels in ponds and aquatic features
  • Scoop water weed from ponds with a small net
  • Remove suckers from roses or around the base of trees
  • Summer prune wisteria by shortening all long sideshoots
  • Stake dahlias and late-flowering chrysanthemums
  • Trim privet, laurel, conifers and other hedges
  • Mow lawns every week
  • Apply lawn feed to promote strong root growth and prepare the grass for winter

Keep an eye out for a second batch of butterflys. If you don’t see to many why don’t you plant plants that attract butterflys such as Buddleia, Sedum spectable, Helenium, Verbena bonariensis and Michaelmas daisies? Don’t worry most of these butteflys that visit these plants catterpillers eat stinging nettles!  Why don’t you grow a crop of nettles to further encourage them!!

Happy Gardening and don’t forget if you want to know more about gardening you can join my blog at



What to do in the garden – Second Week of August

In The Flower Garden

  • Deadhead flowers of lady’s mantle before they set seed
  • Water camellias to make sure they don’t dry out while the flower buds are developing
  • Buy bulbs for autumn planting including tulips, narcissus, alliums, iris and crocus
  • Take cuttings from tender perennials and bedding plants
  • Collect seed from any flowers you fancy propagating
  • Trap earwigs among dahlias with upside-down pots stuffed with straw and balanced on canes
  • Pick leaves off plants affected by rose blackspot
  • Trim conifer hedges and evergreen hedges, cutting their tops back to the desired height
  • Clear bedding that has passed its best and plant out forget-me-nots and wallflowers
  • Tidy up fading perennials and make compost with the trimmings

The Fruit and Vegetable Garden

  • Pick plums as they ripen
  • Ease onions from the soil with a fork to prepare them for harvesting
  • Finish pruning trained forms of apple trees like cordons, espaliers and fans
  • Water crops regularly, especially during hot weather
  • Lift marrows into the sunshine and rest them on bricks to ripen
  • Identify plants showing symptoms of potato blight, and immediately remove affected leaves and stems
  • Order garlic bulbs and onion sets for autumn planting
  • Prune out fruited canes on summer-cropping raspberries
  • Net blackberries and autumn-fruiting raspberries
  • Veg to sow now include swedes, spring cabbages, beetroot for leaves, winter lettuces, radishes, coriander, Japanese onions

The Greenhouse

  • Plant prepared hyacinth bulbs in special hyacinth vases (available at garden centres) or in pots of bulb fibre
  • Sow parsley in modular trays
  • Water crops in growing bags and pots
  • Open vents each day, but close them at night if the weather turns cold
  • Place poinsettias in the total dark for 14 hours a day to encourage colourful bracts to form, moving into full light for the rest of the day
  • Water indoor cyclamen after their summer rest to encourage new growth
  • Plant lachenalia and veltheimia bulbs
  • Pick off the lower leaves from tomatoes to allow light and air to reach the fruits

Generally Around The Garden

  • Pick off leaves infected by rose blackspot or rose rust, and dispose of them in your dustbin and not on the compost heap
  • Set up an automatic watering system with a drip nozzle for potted plants if you’re going on holiday
  • Top up water levels in ponds and aquatic features
  • Scoop water weed from ponds with a small net
  • Remove suckers from roses or around the base of trees
  • Summer prune wisteria by shortening all long sideshoots
  • Stake dahlias and late-flowering chrysanthemums
  • Trim privet, laurel, conifers and other hedges
  • Mow lawns every week
  • Apply lawn feed to promote strong root growth and prepare the grass for winter

Keep an eye out for a second batch of butterflys. If you don’t see to many why don’t you plant plants that attract butterflys such as Buddleia, Sedum spectable, Helenium, Verbena bonariensis and Michaelmas daisies? Don’t worry most of these butteflys that visit these plants catterpillers eat stinging nettles!  Why don’t you grow a crop of nettles to further encourage them!!

Happy Gardening and don’t forget if you want to know more about gardening you can join my blog at



What to do in the garden – Second Week of August

In The Flower Garden

  • Deadhead flowers of lady’s mantle before they set seed
  • Water camellias to make sure they don’t dry out while the flower buds are developing
  • Buy bulbs for autumn planting including tulips, narcissus, alliums, iris and crocus
  • Take cuttings from tender perennials and bedding plants
  • Collect seed from any flowers you fancy propagating
  • Trap earwigs among dahlias with upside-down pots stuffed with straw and balanced on canes
  • Pick leaves off plants affected by rose blackspot
  • Trim conifer hedges and evergreen hedges, cutting their tops back to the desired height
  • Clear bedding that has passed its best and plant out forget-me-nots and wallflowers
  • Tidy up fading perennials and make compost with the trimmings

The Fruit and Vegetable Garden

  • Pick plums as they ripen
  • Ease onions from the soil with a fork to prepare them for harvesting
  • Finish pruning trained forms of apple trees like cordons, espaliers and fans
  • Water crops regularly, especially during hot weather
  • Lift marrows into the sunshine and rest them on bricks to ripen
  • Identify plants showing symptoms of potato blight, and immediately remove affected leaves and stems
  • Order garlic bulbs and onion sets for autumn planting
  • Prune out fruited canes on summer-cropping raspberries
  • Net blackberries and autumn-fruiting raspberries
  • Veg to sow now include swedes, spring cabbages, beetroot for leaves, winter lettuces, radishes, coriander, Japanese onions

The Greenhouse

  • Plant prepared hyacinth bulbs in special hyacinth vases (available at garden centres) or in pots of bulb fibre
  • Sow parsley in modular trays
  • Water crops in growing bags and pots
  • Open vents each day, but close them at night if the weather turns cold
  • Place poinsettias in the total dark for 14 hours a day to encourage colourful bracts to form, moving into full light for the rest of the day
  • Water indoor cyclamen after their summer rest to encourage new growth
  • Plant lachenalia and veltheimia bulbs
  • Pick off the lower leaves from tomatoes to allow light and air to reach the fruits

Generally Around The Garden

  • Pick off leaves infected by rose blackspot or rose rust, and dispose of them in your dustbin and not on the compost heap
  • Set up an automatic watering system with a drip nozzle for potted plants if you’re going on holiday
  • Top up water levels in ponds and aquatic features
  • Scoop water weed from ponds with a small net
  • Remove suckers from roses or around the base of trees
  • Summer prune wisteria by shortening all long sideshoots
  • Stake dahlias and late-flowering chrysanthemums
  • Trim privet, laurel, conifers and other hedges
  • Mow lawns every week
  • Apply lawn feed to promote strong root growth and prepare the grass for winter

Keep an eye out for a second batch of butterflys. If you don’t see to many why don’t you plant plants that attract butterflys such as Buddleia, Sedum spectable, Helenium, Verbena bonariensis and Michaelmas daisies? Don’t worry most of these butteflys that visit these plants catterpillers eat stinging nettles!  Why don’t you grow a crop of nettles to further encourage them!!

Happy Gardening and don’t forget if you want to know more about gardening you can join my blog at



What to do in the garden – Second Week of August

In The Flower Garden

  • Deadhead flowers of lady’s mantle before they set seed
  • Water camellias to make sure they don’t dry out while the flower buds are developing
  • Buy bulbs for autumn planting including tulips, narcissus, alliums, iris and crocus
  • Take cuttings from tender perennials and bedding plants
  • Collect seed from any flowers you fancy propagating
  • Trap earwigs among dahlias with upside-down pots stuffed with straw and balanced on canes
  • Pick leaves off plants affected by rose blackspot
  • Trim conifer hedges and evergreen hedges, cutting their tops back to the desired height
  • Clear bedding that has passed its best and plant out forget-me-nots and wallflowers
  • Tidy up fading perennials and make compost with the trimmings

The Fruit and Vegetable Garden

  • Pick plums as they ripen
  • Ease onions from the soil with a fork to prepare them for harvesting
  • Finish pruning trained forms of apple trees like cordons, espaliers and fans
  • Water crops regularly, especially during hot weather
  • Lift marrows into the sunshine and rest them on bricks to ripen
  • Identify plants showing symptoms of potato blight, and immediately remove affected leaves and stems
  • Order garlic bulbs and onion sets for autumn planting
  • Prune out fruited canes on summer-cropping raspberries
  • Net blackberries and autumn-fruiting raspberries
  • Veg to sow now include swedes, spring cabbages, beetroot for leaves, winter lettuces, radishes, coriander, Japanese onions

The Greenhouse

  • Plant prepared hyacinth bulbs in special hyacinth vases (available at garden centres) or in pots of bulb fibre
  • Sow parsley in modular trays
  • Water crops in growing bags and pots
  • Open vents each day, but close them at night if the weather turns cold
  • Place poinsettias in the total dark for 14 hours a day to encourage colourful bracts to form, moving into full light for the rest of the day
  • Water indoor cyclamen after their summer rest to encourage new growth
  • Plant lachenalia and veltheimia bulbs
  • Pick off the lower leaves from tomatoes to allow light and air to reach the fruits

Generally Around The Garden

  • Pick off leaves infected by rose blackspot or rose rust, and dispose of them in your dustbin and not on the compost heap
  • Set up an automatic watering system with a drip nozzle for potted plants if you’re going on holiday
  • Top up water levels in ponds and aquatic features
  • Scoop water weed from ponds with a small net
  • Remove suckers from roses or around the base of trees
  • Summer prune wisteria by shortening all long sideshoots
  • Stake dahlias and late-flowering chrysanthemums
  • Trim privet, laurel, conifers and other hedges
  • Mow lawns every week
  • Apply lawn feed to promote strong root growth and prepare the grass for winter

Keep an eye out for a second batch of butterflys. If you don’t see to many why don’t you plant plants that attract butterflys such as Buddleia, Sedum spectable, Helenium, Verbena bonariensis and Michaelmas daisies? Don’t worry most of these butteflys that visit these plants catterpillers eat stinging nettles!  Why don’t you grow a crop of nettles to further encourage them!!

Happy Gardening and don’t forget if you want to know more about gardening you can join my blog at


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