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What to do in the garden – Second Week of May


What a week for weather! A high of 26 and a low of 4 in my garden. Low enough to get a ground frost and indeed at a meeting of Hutton horticultural society on Wednesday there were indeed report of blackened plants from frost. Then the rain finally came!  We need so much more, but none forecast this week!

Did a bit more work with the patio potatoes this weekend. See seperate blog on this.

In The Flower Garden

  • Plant up hanging baskets, and leave them in a sheltered spot before hanging fully outside
  • Plant out potted alliums in groups to add interest to flower beds
  • Prune spring-flowering shrubs immediately after flowering, such as forsythia, ribes, chaenomeles, pyracantha and kerria
  • Regularly water newly planted trees, roses, shrubs and hedging
  • Finish planting out gladioli corms in groups or drifts in borders
  • Spread shredded bark mulches around established shrubs and trees to conserve soil moisture and suppress weeds
  • Water clumps of tulips and spring bulbs with liquid feed

In the Fruit and Vegetable Garden

  • Tie in new shoots of blackberries and cane fruits to support wires
  • Sow sweetcorn in deep pots, raising strong young plants to transplant into the garden in June
  • Pinch off strawberry runners as soon as they develop, to stop them competing with developing fruit for nutrients
  • Earth up soil around emerging potato shoots, which encourages higher yields
  • Sow seeds of the following crops outside this week: radish, spring onions, coriander, parsley and chives

In The Greenhouse

  • Put up shading to reflect scorching sunlight and keep temperatures down
  • Open all vents on warm days, but close again in the evening
  • Order plug plants and seedlings by post, and pot up as soon as they arrive
  • Take leaf cuttings from houseplants, including African violets, begonias and Cape primrose
  • Hang yellow sticky traps over plants to catch whitefly and flying pests
  • Sow seeds of herbs, such as parsley, chives, coriander, garlic, basil, dill, fennel, mint, thyme, sage and lovage

And The Rest……

  • Plant tender crops outside, covering them with cloches when night temperatures fall
  • Dig out perennial weeds, such as couch grass and bindweed, from borders as soon as you spot them
  • Wash dust off the foliage of houseplants, and apply leaf shine product to leafy plants
  • Take cuttings from hydrangeas, fuchsias and penstemons, using the soft shoot tips
  • Feed houseplants weekly from now until autumn

Have a great week in the garden and see you next week on Sunday Best 10am to 12 noon. Or visit me for more of the same on


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What to do in the garden – Second Week of May


What a week for weather! A high of 26 and a low of 4 in my garden. Low enough to get a ground frost and indeed at a meeting of Hutton horticultural society on Wednesday there were indeed report of blackened plants from frost. Then the rain finally came!  We need so much more, but none forecast this week!

Did a bit more work with the patio potatoes this weekend. See seperate blog on this.

In The Flower Garden

  • Plant up hanging baskets, and leave them in a sheltered spot before hanging fully outside
  • Plant out potted alliums in groups to add interest to flower beds
  • Prune spring-flowering shrubs immediately after flowering, such as forsythia, ribes, chaenomeles, pyracantha and kerria
  • Regularly water newly planted trees, roses, shrubs and hedging
  • Finish planting out gladioli corms in groups or drifts in borders
  • Spread shredded bark mulches around established shrubs and trees to conserve soil moisture and suppress weeds
  • Water clumps of tulips and spring bulbs with liquid feed

In the Fruit and Vegetable Garden

  • Tie in new shoots of blackberries and cane fruits to support wires
  • Sow sweetcorn in deep pots, raising strong young plants to transplant into the garden in June
  • Pinch off strawberry runners as soon as they develop, to stop them competing with developing fruit for nutrients
  • Earth up soil around emerging potato shoots, which encourages higher yields
  • Sow seeds of the following crops outside this week: radish, spring onions, coriander, parsley and chives

In The Greenhouse

  • Put up shading to reflect scorching sunlight and keep temperatures down
  • Open all vents on warm days, but close again in the evening
  • Order plug plants and seedlings by post, and pot up as soon as they arrive
  • Take leaf cuttings from houseplants, including African violets, begonias and Cape primrose
  • Hang yellow sticky traps over plants to catch whitefly and flying pests
  • Sow seeds of herbs, such as parsley, chives, coriander, garlic, basil, dill, fennel, mint, thyme, sage and lovage

And The Rest……

  • Plant tender crops outside, covering them with cloches when night temperatures fall
  • Dig out perennial weeds, such as couch grass and bindweed, from borders as soon as you spot them
  • Wash dust off the foliage of houseplants, and apply leaf shine product to leafy plants
  • Take cuttings from hydrangeas, fuchsias and penstemons, using the soft shoot tips
  • Feed houseplants weekly from now until autumn

Have a great week in the garden and see you next week on Sunday Best 10am to 12 noon. Or visit me for more of the same on


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What to do in the garden – Second Week of May


What a week for weather! A high of 26 and a low of 4 in my garden. Low enough to get a ground frost and indeed at a meeting of Hutton horticultural society on Wednesday there were indeed report of blackened plants from frost. Then the rain finally came!  We need so much more, but none forecast this week!

Did a bit more work with the patio potatoes this weekend. See seperate blog on this.

In The Flower Garden

  • Plant up hanging baskets, and leave them in a sheltered spot before hanging fully outside
  • Plant out potted alliums in groups to add interest to flower beds
  • Prune spring-flowering shrubs immediately after flowering, such as forsythia, ribes, chaenomeles, pyracantha and kerria
  • Regularly water newly planted trees, roses, shrubs and hedging
  • Finish planting out gladioli corms in groups or drifts in borders
  • Spread shredded bark mulches around established shrubs and trees to conserve soil moisture and suppress weeds
  • Water clumps of tulips and spring bulbs with liquid feed

In the Fruit and Vegetable Garden

  • Tie in new shoots of blackberries and cane fruits to support wires
  • Sow sweetcorn in deep pots, raising strong young plants to transplant into the garden in June
  • Pinch off strawberry runners as soon as they develop, to stop them competing with developing fruit for nutrients
  • Earth up soil around emerging potato shoots, which encourages higher yields
  • Sow seeds of the following crops outside this week: radish, spring onions, coriander, parsley and chives

In The Greenhouse

  • Put up shading to reflect scorching sunlight and keep temperatures down
  • Open all vents on warm days, but close again in the evening
  • Order plug plants and seedlings by post, and pot up as soon as they arrive
  • Take leaf cuttings from houseplants, including African violets, begonias and Cape primrose
  • Hang yellow sticky traps over plants to catch whitefly and flying pests
  • Sow seeds of herbs, such as parsley, chives, coriander, garlic, basil, dill, fennel, mint, thyme, sage and lovage

And The Rest……

  • Plant tender crops outside, covering them with cloches when night temperatures fall
  • Dig out perennial weeds, such as couch grass and bindweed, from borders as soon as you spot them
  • Wash dust off the foliage of houseplants, and apply leaf shine product to leafy plants
  • Take cuttings from hydrangeas, fuchsias and penstemons, using the soft shoot tips
  • Feed houseplants weekly from now until autumn

Have a great week in the garden and see you next week on Sunday Best 10am to 12 noon. Or visit me for more of the same on


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What to do in the garden – Second Week of May


What a week for weather! A high of 26 and a low of 4 in my garden. Low enough to get a ground frost and indeed at a meeting of Hutton horticultural society on Wednesday there were indeed report of blackened plants from frost. Then the rain finally came!  We need so much more, but none forecast this week!

Did a bit more work with the patio potatoes this weekend. See seperate blog on this.

In The Flower Garden

  • Plant up hanging baskets, and leave them in a sheltered spot before hanging fully outside
  • Plant out potted alliums in groups to add interest to flower beds
  • Prune spring-flowering shrubs immediately after flowering, such as forsythia, ribes, chaenomeles, pyracantha and kerria
  • Regularly water newly planted trees, roses, shrubs and hedging
  • Finish planting out gladioli corms in groups or drifts in borders
  • Spread shredded bark mulches around established shrubs and trees to conserve soil moisture and suppress weeds
  • Water clumps of tulips and spring bulbs with liquid feed

In the Fruit and Vegetable Garden

  • Tie in new shoots of blackberries and cane fruits to support wires
  • Sow sweetcorn in deep pots, raising strong young plants to transplant into the garden in June
  • Pinch off strawberry runners as soon as they develop, to stop them competing with developing fruit for nutrients
  • Earth up soil around emerging potato shoots, which encourages higher yields
  • Sow seeds of the following crops outside this week: radish, spring onions, coriander, parsley and chives

In The Greenhouse

  • Put up shading to reflect scorching sunlight and keep temperatures down
  • Open all vents on warm days, but close again in the evening
  • Order plug plants and seedlings by post, and pot up as soon as they arrive
  • Take leaf cuttings from houseplants, including African violets, begonias and Cape primrose
  • Hang yellow sticky traps over plants to catch whitefly and flying pests
  • Sow seeds of herbs, such as parsley, chives, coriander, garlic, basil, dill, fennel, mint, thyme, sage and lovage

And The Rest……

  • Plant tender crops outside, covering them with cloches when night temperatures fall
  • Dig out perennial weeds, such as couch grass and bindweed, from borders as soon as you spot them
  • Wash dust off the foliage of houseplants, and apply leaf shine product to leafy plants
  • Take cuttings from hydrangeas, fuchsias and penstemons, using the soft shoot tips
  • Feed houseplants weekly from now until autumn

Have a great week in the garden and see you next week on Sunday Best 10am to 12 noon. Or visit me for more of the same on


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