I had the pleasure of visiting the show this week. A first for me. Some of the UK’s well known nurseries were there and as it was a Spring Show nurseries such as Avon Bulbs and Broadleigh Gardens were displaying there bulbs and spring flowers. There were other specialist nurseries such as Airplants and Hepaticas but if you are a Heuchera fan you would have been very happy visiting the nursery called Heaucheraholics! Their stand was full to bursting of Heaucheras, Heauchrellas and Tiarellas.
Most nurseries also sold plants which I found very difficult to resist. The Hepaticas were so beautiful but quite pricey at £8 each.
I will definitely try to get to more London shows but get there early to avoid the crowds.
If you want to know more about gardening please visit my website www.babicz.com
Happy Gardening