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What to do in The Garden – Last Week of February?

In The Flower Garden

* Prune summer-flowering clematis, cutting above a low pair of green buds
* Cut out dead stems of ceratostigma and hardy fuchsias
* Prune all stems of Hydrangea paniculata down to about three buds from soil level
* Prepare areas in flowerbeds ready for sowing hardy annuals in late March and into April, digging over, weeding and enriching the soil
* Lift and divide congested border plants
* Plant out lilies to fill gaps in borders, or grow them on in pots
* Trim winter-flowering heathers

The Fruit and Vegetable Garden

* Sprinkle a handful of sulphate of potash fertiliser around the base of fruit trees and bushes
* Plant new raspberry canes and blackberry plants
* Prepare beds to plant asparagus
* Place tunnel cloches or simple sheets of polythene over beds to warm soil for early sowings
* Carry on sowing seeds in pots or trays in the greenhouse, ready to transplant later, including Brussels sprouts, spring cabbage and onions

In The Greenhouse

* Empty your greenhouse and thoroughly clean inside, pressure washing the frame, staging and glazing
* Cut back overwintered fuchsias, and increase frequency of watering to encourage new growth
* Sow summer bedding plants
* Monitor temperatures with a max-min thermometer to ensure heaters are working efficiently
* Plant gloxinias, begonias, achimenes and cannas

Around the Garden

* Spread a layer of manure or compost around roses and shrubs
* Prepare areas for laying new lawns in spring, digging over, weeding and enriching the soil
* Be on the look out for slugs and snails, which will attack emerging shoots of perennials
* Regularly remove weeds by hand or use a hoe if conditions are dry
* Maintain mowers and check garden machinery is in good working order and ready for the season ahead
* Look out for compost bargains at garden centres so you’ll have all you need for spring sowing and potting

Happy Gardening



What to do in The Garden – Last Week of February?

In The Flower Garden

* Prune summer-flowering clematis, cutting above a low pair of green buds
* Cut out dead stems of ceratostigma and hardy fuchsias
* Prune all stems of Hydrangea paniculata down to about three buds from soil level
* Prepare areas in flowerbeds ready for sowing hardy annuals in late March and into April, digging over, weeding and enriching the soil
* Lift and divide congested border plants
* Plant out lilies to fill gaps in borders, or grow them on in pots
* Trim winter-flowering heathers

The Fruit and Vegetable Garden

* Sprinkle a handful of sulphate of potash fertiliser around the base of fruit trees and bushes
* Plant new raspberry canes and blackberry plants
* Prepare beds to plant asparagus
* Place tunnel cloches or simple sheets of polythene over beds to warm soil for early sowings
* Carry on sowing seeds in pots or trays in the greenhouse, ready to transplant later, including Brussels sprouts, spring cabbage and onions

In The Greenhouse

* Empty your greenhouse and thoroughly clean inside, pressure washing the frame, staging and glazing
* Cut back overwintered fuchsias, and increase frequency of watering to encourage new growth
* Sow summer bedding plants
* Monitor temperatures with a max-min thermometer to ensure heaters are working efficiently
* Plant gloxinias, begonias, achimenes and cannas

Around the Garden

* Spread a layer of manure or compost around roses and shrubs
* Prepare areas for laying new lawns in spring, digging over, weeding and enriching the soil
* Be on the look out for slugs and snails, which will attack emerging shoots of perennials
* Regularly remove weeds by hand or use a hoe if conditions are dry
* Maintain mowers and check garden machinery is in good working order and ready for the season ahead
* Look out for compost bargains at garden centres so you’ll have all you need for spring sowing and potting

Happy Gardening



What to do in The Garden – Last Week of February?

In The Flower Garden

* Prune summer-flowering clematis, cutting above a low pair of green buds
* Cut out dead stems of ceratostigma and hardy fuchsias
* Prune all stems of Hydrangea paniculata down to about three buds from soil level
* Prepare areas in flowerbeds ready for sowing hardy annuals in late March and into April, digging over, weeding and enriching the soil
* Lift and divide congested border plants
* Plant out lilies to fill gaps in borders, or grow them on in pots
* Trim winter-flowering heathers

The Fruit and Vegetable Garden

* Sprinkle a handful of sulphate of potash fertiliser around the base of fruit trees and bushes
* Plant new raspberry canes and blackberry plants
* Prepare beds to plant asparagus
* Place tunnel cloches or simple sheets of polythene over beds to warm soil for early sowings
* Carry on sowing seeds in pots or trays in the greenhouse, ready to transplant later, including Brussels sprouts, spring cabbage and onions

In The Greenhouse

* Empty your greenhouse and thoroughly clean inside, pressure washing the frame, staging and glazing
* Cut back overwintered fuchsias, and increase frequency of watering to encourage new growth
* Sow summer bedding plants
* Monitor temperatures with a max-min thermometer to ensure heaters are working efficiently
* Plant gloxinias, begonias, achimenes and cannas

Around the Garden

* Spread a layer of manure or compost around roses and shrubs
* Prepare areas for laying new lawns in spring, digging over, weeding and enriching the soil
* Be on the look out for slugs and snails, which will attack emerging shoots of perennials
* Regularly remove weeds by hand or use a hoe if conditions are dry
* Maintain mowers and check garden machinery is in good working order and ready for the season ahead
* Look out for compost bargains at garden centres so you’ll have all you need for spring sowing and potting

Happy Gardening



What to do in The Garden – Last Week of February?

In The Flower Garden

* Prune summer-flowering clematis, cutting above a low pair of green buds
* Cut out dead stems of ceratostigma and hardy fuchsias
* Prune all stems of Hydrangea paniculata down to about three buds from soil level
* Prepare areas in flowerbeds ready for sowing hardy annuals in late March and into April, digging over, weeding and enriching the soil
* Lift and divide congested border plants
* Plant out lilies to fill gaps in borders, or grow them on in pots
* Trim winter-flowering heathers

The Fruit and Vegetable Garden

* Sprinkle a handful of sulphate of potash fertiliser around the base of fruit trees and bushes
* Plant new raspberry canes and blackberry plants
* Prepare beds to plant asparagus
* Place tunnel cloches or simple sheets of polythene over beds to warm soil for early sowings
* Carry on sowing seeds in pots or trays in the greenhouse, ready to transplant later, including Brussels sprouts, spring cabbage and onions

In The Greenhouse

* Empty your greenhouse and thoroughly clean inside, pressure washing the frame, staging and glazing
* Cut back overwintered fuchsias, and increase frequency of watering to encourage new growth
* Sow summer bedding plants
* Monitor temperatures with a max-min thermometer to ensure heaters are working efficiently
* Plant gloxinias, begonias, achimenes and cannas

Around the Garden

* Spread a layer of manure or compost around roses and shrubs
* Prepare areas for laying new lawns in spring, digging over, weeding and enriching the soil
* Be on the look out for slugs and snails, which will attack emerging shoots of perennials
* Regularly remove weeds by hand or use a hoe if conditions are dry
* Maintain mowers and check garden machinery is in good working order and ready for the season ahead
* Look out for compost bargains at garden centres so you’ll have all you need for spring sowing and potting

Happy Gardening


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