The Flower Garden
· Dig up congested clumps of winter aconites and transplant to new sites
· Improve the soil the soil by spreading compost or manure over beds and forking in
· Move plants growing in the wrong place
· Dig deeply areas where you’ll be planting new roses, shrubs or perennials
· Spread a thick mulch of bark over the crown of tender plants, such as fuchsias, dahlias and cannas, if they are not already dead and mushy!
· Prune summer-flowering clematis, cutting stems back to emerging buds close to soil level
The Fruit and Vegetable Garden
· Prune out the oldest stems from blackcurrants to encourage new shoots
· Check crops that are in store and discard any showing signs of rot
· Fork compost into the soil and clear old crops from the veg plot
· Cover fruit trees and bushes with netting to prevent hungry bullfinches eating blossom buds
· Sow the following crops under cloches during January and early February: broad beans, hardy peas, spinach, carrots and onions
In The Greenhouse
· Wash glazing inside and out to let in as much light as possible
· Bring potted camellias into unheated porches or conservatories to enjoy early displays
· Buy chrysanthemum cuttings or take cuttings from your own plants
· Sow seed of hardy annuals, such as calendula, for some early flowers
· Tidy up the greenhouse, getting rid of any old compost or rubbish that could hide unwanted visitors
Around The Garden
· Keep window bird feeders topped up with seed to attract bluetits and sparrows
· Wash out flowerpots and seed trays
· Move patio pots to sheltered sites during cold periods
· Spread a mulch of compost over borders and around trees, shrubs and roses
· Clean algae and moss from paths and steps
· Sprinkle a top dressing of gritty compost over lawns