Brentwood: currently 2°C, cloudy
high today 8°C, low tonight 2°C
sunrise 07:49, sunset 16:31
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Edwin Starr - Contact (M)
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Almost 19

Wednesday 19 October 2016,

Another busy start to the show and this wee I guess is almost as per. We chatted about gadgets you read more

Hey June

Wednesday 8 June 2016,

So this is summer 2016, or maybe it is the slow start of it. wet and sunny the UK way read more

Surf the Synth Wave

Wednesday 4 May 2016,

    May starts here in my book, with a full record box of audio delights- As the weather seems read more

The Electro Works

Wednesday 3 February 2016,

Yet another  busy fun gig weekend just gone, and this time it was in London at the cult venue the read more

Wind yawning

Wednesday 18 November 2015,

This week I sailed into the Phoenix FM studio, care of Barney….the cutely named string wind front we had- glad read more

Cinema Prom Prom

Wednesday 11 November 2015,

Yet another exciting show for me, which actually was pretty interesting on the way way to the studio…to say the read more

Halloweenmas time

Wednesday 4 November 2015,

Love the season, with the with the weather and odd celebrations we enjoy or suffer… Like Halloween for example, so read more

Shady Character

Wednesday 2 September 2015,

Its here Autumn and all its falling leaf falling fun….well trying to be positive as the Summer starts to disappear- read more

A Normal Green

Wednesday 15 July 2015,

Always a delight to have new music on the show and indeed guests, especially when they bring biscuits and news read more

Apple dabble music

Wednesday 10 June 2015,

In a week that we heard of yet another online service to let us hear music via the web, we read more

Glass rock

Saturday 7 March 2015,

Pity punch and all that….. my first show of March and my first return to going to a gig the read more

Martyn Dolls out the chat

Saturday 10 January 2015,

New year fully under way and as you may had heard in the show there are lots of music gigs read more

Tis the season to be jolly

Saturday 20 December 2014,

Well it is almost the last Saturday Breakfast of 2014, its the penultimate as they say in ego land. so read more

Bright light Saturday

Saturday 29 November 2014,

As the Month of November draws to a close and we recover from another American fad- Black Friday. I had read more

On the synthetic Pulse

Saturday 27 September 2014,

I say busy show and I meant a busy day….. for on the show I was chatting with Howard H read more