Brentwood: currently 6°C, cloudy
high today 7°C, low tonight 2°C
sunrise 07:58, sunset 16:16
Now playing:
Jung Kook, USHER - Standing Next to You (Usher Remix)
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Looking like Xmas

Wednesday 7 December 2016,

Well we are here, December and the weird and humble 2016 year is getting geared up for the final push read more

Tenek of Life

Wednesday 16 November 2016,

In a week where there was excitement about a Super Moon, we had a super show….. I know, I’m such read more

Naturally wired

Wednesday 20 July 2016,

Well well well….. how I wished I had one, as this weeks show was on a very hot day, and read more

Unreal experts

Wednesday 13 July 2016,

Last night show was all dry despite it pouring with rain outside, no I mean really heavy and yet its read more

What no print

Wednesday 15 June 2016,

Sometimes we get so reliant on simple things and when they are about we go crazy. This was me this read more

Harvey’s word

Wednesday 18 May 2016,

In a week where another Harvey had said a very choice word on Telly, I was on my usual best read more

EuroTrash Oui

Wednesday 11 May 2016,

As we roll into a favourite month of the year- May; well it has two bank holidays and good weather- read more

Surf the Synth Wave

Wednesday 4 May 2016,

    May starts here in my book, with a full record box of audio delights- As the weather seems read more

March that Bank Holiday

Wednesday 30 March 2016,

I suppose nothing say UK more then a bank holiday with weather you can’t bank on… or can you, as read more

The Electro Works

Wednesday 3 February 2016,

Yet another  busy fun gig weekend just gone, and this time it was in London at the cult venue the read more

Get 2016 on

Wednesday 6 January 2016,

Welcome to a new year- 2016, and like me I hope you are excited to what this new year may read more

See you fifteen

Wednesday 30 December 2015,

Time to bid a fond farewell to another busy year, and 2015 was certainly that for me. As at the read more

Synth Awakens

Wednesday 16 December 2015,

What a weekend I have just had, at Synthetic Xmas. We were treated to some great Synth bands and I read more

A Good Bye

Wednesday 9 December 2015,

Getting closer to that part of the year again, and yet more new tunes flow my way for the show. read more

December Fortunes

Wednesday 2 December 2015,

Welcome to December they say, so lets get ready to stuffer Crimbo songs and spend festivals….. yes Bar humbug.  Still read more

Cinema Prom Prom

Wednesday 11 November 2015,

Yet another exciting show for me, which actually was pretty interesting on the way way to the studio…to say the read more

Before the future

Wednesday 21 October 2015,

Another busy week for me and its only Tuesday, well.. when I say busy I mean with regards to sorting read more

Synth Revival MIA

Wednesday 7 October 2015,

Right, summer is over so stop teasing us weather, we want cold wet dam and winter… we can plan our read more

Shady Character

Wednesday 2 September 2015,

Its here Autumn and all its falling leaf falling fun….well trying to be positive as the Summer starts to disappear- read more

Sputnik and party

Wednesday 22 July 2015,

Yet another month draws in, and yet more more music floods my way. Which is a delight, and talking of read more