Brentwood: currently 6°C, light showers
high today 7°C, low tonight 6°C
sunrise 07:52, sunset 15:49
Now playing:
Radiohead - Karma Police
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BOOK CLUB JUNE – David Worsfold & Sylvia Kent

Thursday 20 June 2024,

Joined for June’s Book Club by writer, journalist, Sylvia Kent and David Worsfold, Author, Journalist, Trainer and Presenter. You can read more

Brentwood Choral Society CONCERT – Karl Jenkins – The Peacemakers

Wednesday 28 February 2024,

Michelle chatted to David Worsfold of Brentwood Choral Society about their next concert on Saturday 16th March 7.00pm at St read more

Brentwood Choral Society – A Choral mass based on a Tango sound

Thursday 16 March 2023,

David Worsfold of Brentwood Choral Society to talk about their up and coming concert on the 25th March Martin Palmeri’s MISA read more

FIGHTING FOR THE EMPIRE – By David Worsfold (January Book Club)

Tuesday 21 January 2020,

Michelle was joined by journalist, author, trainer, presenter, media consultant and writer, David Worsfold. David talked about his work and read more