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Top Podcasts for Students

In 2021, in the world of short videos on Instagram and TikTok people continue listening to random people discussing TV shows, games, and news for hours. It’s hard to believe it, right? And yet it’s completely true.

The popularity of podcasts nowadays is beyond impressive – over a quarter of people worldwide prefer podcasts to all other forms of content. Students also love podcasts, as there are some great educational and entertaining ones that transform boring studying into an excellent time. That is why you should hop on this train before you’re way behind everyone else. Don’t know where to begin? We’re here to help!

Our favourite podcasts that students will find helpful

Here are some cool and informative podcasts you will definitely enjoy listening to as a student:

Hosts of this entertaining program are real word lovers who answer questions from the audience. The program is very informative, and this is exactly the type of information presentation that most students love: each new word is preceded by a short story (a listener’s question), which allows the listener to remember the word, as well as its meaning in context, greatly contributing to its memorization. Students who learn writing, languages, and translation will find this podcast fascinating.

This podcast is a must for students, especially those who struggle with creative writing as it allows expanding the vocabulary. Still some students prefer delegating their academic writing to the best essay writing service which they find online. Thankfully, there are some reliable ones that will not fail you, but you should be careful with your choice. So, before picking the company for long-term cooperation visit LetsGradeIt and read some unbiased reviews.

It’s a fun weekly show about design and architecture, which discusses in detail the process of creating design objects, from implementing the idea to its realization. By listening to this podcast you can pick up on many interesting historical facts about certain architectural or design phenomena. Architecture and design students will love this podcast.

This podcast is every geek’s and science fiction lover’s dream. It dissects possible scenarios of our future, engaging specialists who elaborate on the possibility and likelihood of different made-up scenarios which are being discussed. Each episode features a new scenario, so you are unlikely to be bored. We have been nerding out over this podcast for a long time, and maybe you should too. It will be a blast with science students.

Another fun one for language-lovers. If you are fond of English and have thought more than once about the origin of its words, this podcast will be a real find for you. In each half-hour episode, famous linguists and professors of lexicology discuss the use of terms and the formation of new words.

You don’t have to be a Master of Economics to understand what these podcasts are about. Hosts discuss topics that are important for every ordinary taxpayer, as well as economic phenomena that are on everyone’s lips: offshores, the black market of pharmaceuticals, stock trading, etc. Students that study economics will find this podcast fascinating.

Turn it on

The world is enjoying podcasting every day, and you should do the same because it’s not just great entertainment, but also a way to make studying fun. Check out our favorite podcast choices for students and pick your favorite one to start enjoying today!

BIO: Merissa Moore

Merissa is a passionate writer and well-versed online educator who strives to make the world smarter. Her desire to help her audience with online education corresponds to her ability to evoke interest in studying in people of any age. Merissa worked for several years as a researcher, which makes her uniquely qualified to write about current topics her readers are curious about. Merissa’s hobbies include reading and singing.

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