Brentwood: currently 6°C, cloudy
high today 7°C, low tonight 6°C
sunrise 07:53, sunset 15:49
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The Orient Hour – s08 e24 – hosted by Andy Gilson, Darin Burrows, Barry Galvin, Christian Wheeler

Tonight’s Hour is hosted by Andy Gilson, Darin Burrows, Barry Galvin and Christian Wheeler.

The Panel review the recent performances against Bolton Wanderers and Charlton Athletic alongside regular features of Victor’s Views, Ropers Rant and we hear from Richie Wellens post Charlton Athletic.

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The Orient Hour – s08 e24 – hosted by Andy Gilson, Darin Burrows, Barry Galvin, Christian Wheeler

Tonight’s Hour is hosted by Andy Gilson, Darin Burrows, Barry Galvin and Christian Wheeler.

The Panel review the recent performances against Bolton Wanderers and Charlton Athletic alongside regular features of Victor’s Views, Ropers Rant and we hear from Richie Wellens post Charlton Athletic.

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The Orient Hour – s08 e24 – hosted by Andy Gilson, Darin Burrows, Barry Galvin, Christian Wheeler

Tonight’s Hour is hosted by Andy Gilson, Darin Burrows, Barry Galvin and Christian Wheeler.

The Panel review the recent performances against Bolton Wanderers and Charlton Athletic alongside regular features of Victor’s Views, Ropers Rant and we hear from Richie Wellens post Charlton Athletic.

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The Orient Hour – s08 e24 – hosted by Andy Gilson, Darin Burrows, Barry Galvin, Christian Wheeler

Tonight’s Hour is hosted by Andy Gilson, Darin Burrows, Barry Galvin and Christian Wheeler.

The Panel review the recent performances against Bolton Wanderers and Charlton Athletic alongside regular features of Victor’s Views, Ropers Rant and we hear from Richie Wellens post Charlton Athletic.

Enjoy the show!

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