Brentwood: currently 5°C, cloudy
high today 6°C, low tonight 3°C
sunrise 07:46, sunset 15:51
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The Orient Hour – s08 e18 – hosted by Grant Conway, Andy Gilson and Rich Priest

You can now find THE ORIENT HOUR on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and RadioPublic - and all shows will continue to be posted to every week too

Tonight’s show is hosted by Grant Conway, Andy Gilson and Rich Priest.

The Panel discuss the recent performance v Oxford United; how they feel the Club is fairing overall; and about the wonders of the FA Cup.

We also hear from Richie post Oxford; Dave Victor with Victor’s Views; and Mat Roper with Roper’s Rant.

Enjoy the show!

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The Orient Hour – s08 e18 – hosted by Grant Conway, Andy Gilson and Rich Priest

You can now find THE ORIENT HOUR on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and RadioPublic - and all shows will continue to be posted to every week too

Tonight’s show is hosted by Grant Conway, Andy Gilson and Rich Priest.

The Panel discuss the recent performance v Oxford United; how they feel the Club is fairing overall; and about the wonders of the FA Cup.

We also hear from Richie post Oxford; Dave Victor with Victor’s Views; and Mat Roper with Roper’s Rant.

Enjoy the show!

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The Orient Hour – s08 e18 – hosted by Grant Conway, Andy Gilson and Rich Priest

You can now find THE ORIENT HOUR on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and RadioPublic - and all shows will continue to be posted to every week too

Tonight’s show is hosted by Grant Conway, Andy Gilson and Rich Priest.

The Panel discuss the recent performance v Oxford United; how they feel the Club is fairing overall; and about the wonders of the FA Cup.

We also hear from Richie post Oxford; Dave Victor with Victor’s Views; and Mat Roper with Roper’s Rant.

Enjoy the show!

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The Orient Hour – s08 e18 – hosted by Grant Conway, Andy Gilson and Rich Priest

You can now find THE ORIENT HOUR on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and RadioPublic - and all shows will continue to be posted to every week too

Tonight’s show is hosted by Grant Conway, Andy Gilson and Rich Priest.

The Panel discuss the recent performance v Oxford United; how they feel the Club is fairing overall; and about the wonders of the FA Cup.

We also hear from Richie post Oxford; Dave Victor with Victor’s Views; and Mat Roper with Roper’s Rant.

Enjoy the show!

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