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The Art of Writing a Flawless Income Verification Letter to a Landlord

Why bother?

Writing a proof of income letter for apartment rent is the finale of an apartment rental epic that can either paint your future with bright colors or cover it with a thick, black layer of negativity. You may be surprised, but to write such a letter well so that the landlord has nothing to complain about may be extremely difficult. I encourage you to follow the tips below and consider all possible nuances while writing a proof of income letter for apartment rent.

Looking for an Apartment

Looking for a new apartment is an expense. It is a financial expense, a time expense, and most unpleasantly, an expense of many nerve cells and psychological energy. Here is what it involves:

  • You need to compete for good apartments with other tenants, like in the movie “Rat Race.”
  • You should be sceptical, especially of those who try to convince you that the old furniture and appliances in an apartment are an advantage or that an apartment on the outskirts is, in fact, simply in a quiet area within walking distance to all infrastructure.
  • You have to find a moving company that will not offer to sign a “basic” contract that will require you to pay $ 100 for each floor of carrying your belongings (if your newly rented apartment is on the 20th floor, for instance).

Every step that brings you closer to the long-awaited apartment is difficult, requiring sweat and blood. And at the end of this crusade, as at the end of this computer game, you meet the “boss” — your landlord. To ensure a successful outcome, give him a proof of income letter verified to the last comma. Are stimulus checks just a tax refund advance? You should already know this from the landlord. Let him provide you with all the documents related to this house, and you, in turn, go with copies to a lawyer.

Benefits of a Quality Letter

With all the competition among apartment hunters, writing a good income verification letter can be advantageous. All landlords require proof of income from potential tenants. When all applicants for a given apartment have a paystub for the last three months, a flawless letter can make you the leader in the race. Writing an income verification letter can seem daunting if you don’t know where to begin. But follow our advice, and you’ll be successful.

You should include the following personal information in your income verification letter:

  1. Name.
  2. Phone number and email address.
  3. Employer’s name.
  4. Employer phone number and email address.
  5. Position.
  6. Income (salary or hourly rate).
  7. The number of hours worked per week.

Keep your writing simple. Just include the basic information the landlord needs to know to show that you can afford the rent each month. Gather this information upfront to find an apartment on the market quickly.

How Should I Design My Letter?

You can write your income verification letter, have your manager or HR person write it, or you can use a downloadable template to save time and effort. If you send your HR representative or manager a template with blank areas, they can quickly fill it out and send it back to you. It will enable you to easily go back to the landlord and fill out that part of the rental application.

Here are some tips:

Specify additional income. If you have any sources of income, include that information in the letter. The income source can be a part-time job, government benefits, a pension, or any other regular income outside of work. Specify the amount of money, how often you receive it, and how long you expect to receive it.

Specify the total income. After identifying your primary and secondary sources of income, specify a sum of your income streams put together. Tell the landlord how you think your income will change in the coming years. 

The final sentences are memorable. Let the landlord know that you have attached appropriate documents to prove your income as you wrap up your letter. These can be tax returns, pay stubs, or bank statements. Thank them for their time and finish the letter. Leave space for your signature. Ask your employer to attach a statement verifying the information to add legitimacy. 


Writing proof of income letter for apartment rent should not scare you. It can be straightforward if you know what it is, how it should be written, and why it is important and expected. Write it well, and it will make you stand out from the crowd.

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