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The Nodachi Sword In Japanese History

The feudal era in Japan was a time when there was a military dictatorship running the country and the long standing emperors were gotten rid of. This occurred during the latter part of the twelfth century. It was as a result of this that the way of the samurai soldier really influenced Japanese culture. Because of this, swords became a weapon that was carried around by all samurais.

Meaning of the name

The Nodachi sword is seen as a weapon of the field for samurai soldiers. The name translates into great sword in English and so it is no surprise then that some of them had blades that were upto 90 centimeters in length. 

These swords are actually very rarely used for battle and are, in fact, more for ceremonial purposes, such as when prayers are offered up to the gods. They are also displayed in some temples given their somewhat legendary reputation. This is a practice that started back in the Japanese Edo / Tokugawa period (1603 – 1867)

Ways to use

Despite nodachi swords mainly being used for ceremonial purposes, they are still weapons nonetheless and so can also be used for the purpose of battling with adversaries. This use is evident from the artwork coming from the Ed / Tokugawa period, which depicts samurai soldiers wearing them on their backs.

Other ways in which they were used during this period in Japanese history include whilst riding on horse back. They were never carried on the waist by samurai soldiers due to their sheer length – this is why they were carried on the back instead. However, during combat situations carrying it like this made it extremely difficult to draw it easily and quickly. This forced many of them to carry the sword in its sheath in their hand. It even became the trend for some samurai soldiers to have someone following them at all times with the specific job of taking it out of the sheath should the need arise.

Because of the size of the blade, the use of the nodachi sword focuses on a downward cutting motion, making the sword play style very different to other and more traditional swords. Upwards movements are not easy with such a large blade to motion.

Where a nodachi sword was used in combat, its main use was as an anti cavalry sword. It was used for the purpose of striking down their opponent’s horse as they approached them – the long blade allowing them to keep their distance whilst doing so. 

It is clear to see that the nodachi sword has many different uses and has been important in shaping both Japanese culture and history right up to present day. Anyone who is a fan or has an interest in the history of this great nation would be likely interested in owning their very own nodachi sword – something that you can do now that there are many online retailers selling them nowadays and can ship them to all four corners of the planet.


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