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On the Ropes – show 64 (with Fabio Wardley)

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On The Ropes - show 64 (Fabio Wardley)
On The Ropes
Mark and Charlie Foley

On this weeks show Mark & Charlie Catch up with British Heavyweight Fabio Wardley ahead of his English Title Fight on August 1st and discuss the return of live boxing.

On The Ropes will back live 8pm on 98fm PhoenixFM on Sunday August 2nd. Not to be missed.

Stay safe and lets control the virus.


On the Ropes – show 64 (with Fabio Wardley)

Click here to listen:

P H O E N I X   P L A Y E R
On The Ropes - show 64 (Fabio Wardley)
On The Ropes
Mark and Charlie Foley

On this weeks show Mark & Charlie Catch up with British Heavyweight Fabio Wardley ahead of his English Title Fight on August 1st and discuss the return of live boxing.

On The Ropes will back live 8pm on 98fm PhoenixFM on Sunday August 2nd. Not to be missed.

Stay safe and lets control the virus.


On the Ropes – show 64 (with Fabio Wardley)

Click here to listen:

P H O E N I X   P L A Y E R
On The Ropes - show 64 (Fabio Wardley)
On The Ropes
Mark and Charlie Foley

On this weeks show Mark & Charlie Catch up with British Heavyweight Fabio Wardley ahead of his English Title Fight on August 1st and discuss the return of live boxing.

On The Ropes will back live 8pm on 98fm PhoenixFM on Sunday August 2nd. Not to be missed.

Stay safe and lets control the virus.


On the Ropes – show 64 (with Fabio Wardley)

Click here to listen:

P H O E N I X   P L A Y E R
On The Ropes - show 64 (Fabio Wardley)
On The Ropes
Mark and Charlie Foley

On this weeks show Mark & Charlie Catch up with British Heavyweight Fabio Wardley ahead of his English Title Fight on August 1st and discuss the return of live boxing.

On The Ropes will back live 8pm on 98fm PhoenixFM on Sunday August 2nd. Not to be missed.

Stay safe and lets control the virus.

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