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Standon Calling 2018: Cuban Brothers

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An unstoppable, infectious force of nature! The Cuban Brothers’ unrivalled funk and soul review blends sexy, soulful music with jaw-dropping b-boy action and riotous comedy.

Despite much inappropriate touching, the band’s delirious rhythms, lightning wit, and gentle ribbing of world famous artists has seen them personally chosen to play by Elton John, Robbie Williams and Richard Branson.

Gareth caught up with Miguel before their performance on the Main Stage on Sunday.

The Cuban Brothers have a new compilation, “La Familia”, out on 24 August. Find our more at

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Standon Calling 2018: Cuban Brothers

Click here to listen to the interview:

An unstoppable, infectious force of nature! The Cuban Brothers’ unrivalled funk and soul review blends sexy, soulful music with jaw-dropping b-boy action and riotous comedy.

Despite much inappropriate touching, the band’s delirious rhythms, lightning wit, and gentle ribbing of world famous artists has seen them personally chosen to play by Elton John, Robbie Williams and Richard Branson.

Gareth caught up with Miguel before their performance on the Main Stage on Sunday.

The Cuban Brothers have a new compilation, “La Familia”, out on 24 August. Find our more at

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Standon Calling 2018: Cuban Brothers

Click here to listen to the interview:

An unstoppable, infectious force of nature! The Cuban Brothers’ unrivalled funk and soul review blends sexy, soulful music with jaw-dropping b-boy action and riotous comedy.

Despite much inappropriate touching, the band’s delirious rhythms, lightning wit, and gentle ribbing of world famous artists has seen them personally chosen to play by Elton John, Robbie Williams and Richard Branson.

Gareth caught up with Miguel before their performance on the Main Stage on Sunday.

The Cuban Brothers have a new compilation, “La Familia”, out on 24 August. Find our more at

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Standon Calling 2018: Cuban Brothers

Click here to listen to the interview:

An unstoppable, infectious force of nature! The Cuban Brothers’ unrivalled funk and soul review blends sexy, soulful music with jaw-dropping b-boy action and riotous comedy.

Despite much inappropriate touching, the band’s delirious rhythms, lightning wit, and gentle ribbing of world famous artists has seen them personally chosen to play by Elton John, Robbie Williams and Richard Branson.

Gareth caught up with Miguel before their performance on the Main Stage on Sunday.

The Cuban Brothers have a new compilation, “La Familia”, out on 24 August. Find our more at

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