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Fame The Musical – Shenfield High School

Shenfield High School  has an excellent Drama department and earlier this year I was delighted to be invited to see their superb whole school production of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat.  Each year a variety of students from all years take part in a full scale musical and their next production early next year is Fame The Musical.

Joining me today was course Teacher Mrs Rachel Bryan along with students Lily Dawson, Lucia Rawlings, Amy Hollingsworth, and Dan West.

Lily Dawson, Lucia Rawlings, Amy Hollingsworth,  Dan West and Mrs Bradley

Lily Dawson, Lucia Rawlings, Amy Hollingsworth, Dan West and Mrs Bryan

You can listen to our chat and two great live performances here –

Here are some pictures from the early rehearsals for the musical

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Fame The Musical – Shenfield High School

Shenfield High School  has an excellent Drama department and earlier this year I was delighted to be invited to see their superb whole school production of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat.  Each year a variety of students from all years take part in a full scale musical and their next production early next year is Fame The Musical.

Joining me today was course Teacher Mrs Rachel Bryan along with students Lily Dawson, Lucia Rawlings, Amy Hollingsworth, and Dan West.

Lily Dawson, Lucia Rawlings, Amy Hollingsworth,  Dan West and Mrs Bradley

Lily Dawson, Lucia Rawlings, Amy Hollingsworth, Dan West and Mrs Bryan

You can listen to our chat and two great live performances here –

Here are some pictures from the early rehearsals for the musical

IMG_1900 IMG_1901 IMG_1902 IMG_1903 IMG_1904 IMG_190520171114080740282_0001 20171114080740282_0002

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Fame The Musical – Shenfield High School

Shenfield High School  has an excellent Drama department and earlier this year I was delighted to be invited to see their superb whole school production of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat.  Each year a variety of students from all years take part in a full scale musical and their next production early next year is Fame The Musical.

Joining me today was course Teacher Mrs Rachel Bryan along with students Lily Dawson, Lucia Rawlings, Amy Hollingsworth, and Dan West.

Lily Dawson, Lucia Rawlings, Amy Hollingsworth,  Dan West and Mrs Bradley

Lily Dawson, Lucia Rawlings, Amy Hollingsworth, Dan West and Mrs Bryan

You can listen to our chat and two great live performances here –

Here are some pictures from the early rehearsals for the musical

IMG_1900 IMG_1901 IMG_1902 IMG_1903 IMG_1904 IMG_190520171114080740282_0001 20171114080740282_0002

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Fame The Musical – Shenfield High School

Shenfield High School  has an excellent Drama department and earlier this year I was delighted to be invited to see their superb whole school production of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat.  Each year a variety of students from all years take part in a full scale musical and their next production early next year is Fame The Musical.

Joining me today was course Teacher Mrs Rachel Bryan along with students Lily Dawson, Lucia Rawlings, Amy Hollingsworth, and Dan West.

Lily Dawson, Lucia Rawlings, Amy Hollingsworth,  Dan West and Mrs Bradley

Lily Dawson, Lucia Rawlings, Amy Hollingsworth, Dan West and Mrs Bryan

You can listen to our chat and two great live performances here –

Here are some pictures from the early rehearsals for the musical

IMG_1900 IMG_1901 IMG_1902 IMG_1903 IMG_1904 IMG_190520171114080740282_0001 20171114080740282_0002

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