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MUSH – The great new APP for Mum’s

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Joined in the studio by Courtenay Morris to talk about MUSH .

Who are Mush? 

Many mums I’ve met in the Basildon and Essex area who are lonely and isolated since having their babies changed their whole world. I’m the type of person that needs to chat to adults and have a busy life, staying home watching loose women is not for me and so I’ve spent my entire maternity leave getting out and about to various groups and activities but I’m lucky because I’m confident and a total extrovert. However in going to these groups I’ve met so many mums who are alone and scared and struggling to get out, which was slowly isolating them more and more.
So that’s when I started using a mum dating app called Mush. This app let me see local mums with babies similar ages to mine and I got on there and started inviting people to groups! And you know what it worked! Mums felt more able to come knowing that they could meet someone there and it avoided some of the terrifying cliques baby groups often have.
I love this app and feel it’s a real game changer for a lot of people, It’s free You make friends It makes mums and babies happy What’s not to love!!

Twitter @mushmums


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MUSH – The great new APP for Mum’s

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Joined in the studio by Courtenay Morris to talk about MUSH .

Who are Mush? 

Many mums I’ve met in the Basildon and Essex area who are lonely and isolated since having their babies changed their whole world. I’m the type of person that needs to chat to adults and have a busy life, staying home watching loose women is not for me and so I’ve spent my entire maternity leave getting out and about to various groups and activities but I’m lucky because I’m confident and a total extrovert. However in going to these groups I’ve met so many mums who are alone and scared and struggling to get out, which was slowly isolating them more and more.
So that’s when I started using a mum dating app called Mush. This app let me see local mums with babies similar ages to mine and I got on there and started inviting people to groups! And you know what it worked! Mums felt more able to come knowing that they could meet someone there and it avoided some of the terrifying cliques baby groups often have.
I love this app and feel it’s a real game changer for a lot of people, It’s free You make friends It makes mums and babies happy What’s not to love!!

Twitter @mushmums


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MUSH – The great new APP for Mum’s

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Joined in the studio by Courtenay Morris to talk about MUSH .

Who are Mush? 

Many mums I’ve met in the Basildon and Essex area who are lonely and isolated since having their babies changed their whole world. I’m the type of person that needs to chat to adults and have a busy life, staying home watching loose women is not for me and so I’ve spent my entire maternity leave getting out and about to various groups and activities but I’m lucky because I’m confident and a total extrovert. However in going to these groups I’ve met so many mums who are alone and scared and struggling to get out, which was slowly isolating them more and more.
So that’s when I started using a mum dating app called Mush. This app let me see local mums with babies similar ages to mine and I got on there and started inviting people to groups! And you know what it worked! Mums felt more able to come knowing that they could meet someone there and it avoided some of the terrifying cliques baby groups often have.
I love this app and feel it’s a real game changer for a lot of people, It’s free You make friends It makes mums and babies happy What’s not to love!!

Twitter @mushmums


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MUSH – The great new APP for Mum’s

WP_20170727_11_22_37_Pro (2)

Joined in the studio by Courtenay Morris to talk about MUSH .

Who are Mush? 

Many mums I’ve met in the Basildon and Essex area who are lonely and isolated since having their babies changed their whole world. I’m the type of person that needs to chat to adults and have a busy life, staying home watching loose women is not for me and so I’ve spent my entire maternity leave getting out and about to various groups and activities but I’m lucky because I’m confident and a total extrovert. However in going to these groups I’ve met so many mums who are alone and scared and struggling to get out, which was slowly isolating them more and more.
So that’s when I started using a mum dating app called Mush. This app let me see local mums with babies similar ages to mine and I got on there and started inviting people to groups! And you know what it worked! Mums felt more able to come knowing that they could meet someone there and it avoided some of the terrifying cliques baby groups often have.
I love this app and feel it’s a real game changer for a lot of people, It’s free You make friends It makes mums and babies happy What’s not to love!!

Twitter @mushmums


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