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sunrise 07:44, sunset 15:51
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50SOC: Introducing Cameron Davidson

“Something seriously special and it won’t be long until the rest of the world realises it.” – Pure M Magazine

Cameron Davidson

Cameron Davidson was the frontman and songwriter for Southampton based 6 Minutes to Sunrise.

Since going solo he has played with Lonely the Brave, Natives, Man Made, Dolomite Minor, Funeral for a Friend and Nothing but Thieves. He recently played a live session for BBC Introducing, which was chosen as one of the best of 2015.

Playing emotive alt pop with soaring melodies, Cameron has built up a solid collection of work as he looks to release further music throughout 2016

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50SOC: Introducing Cameron Davidson

“Something seriously special and it won’t be long until the rest of the world realises it.” – Pure M Magazine

Cameron Davidson

Cameron Davidson was the frontman and songwriter for Southampton based 6 Minutes to Sunrise.

Since going solo he has played with Lonely the Brave, Natives, Man Made, Dolomite Minor, Funeral for a Friend and Nothing but Thieves. He recently played a live session for BBC Introducing, which was chosen as one of the best of 2015.

Playing emotive alt pop with soaring melodies, Cameron has built up a solid collection of work as he looks to release further music throughout 2016

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50SOC: Introducing Cameron Davidson

“Something seriously special and it won’t be long until the rest of the world realises it.” – Pure M Magazine

Cameron Davidson

Cameron Davidson was the frontman and songwriter for Southampton based 6 Minutes to Sunrise.

Since going solo he has played with Lonely the Brave, Natives, Man Made, Dolomite Minor, Funeral for a Friend and Nothing but Thieves. He recently played a live session for BBC Introducing, which was chosen as one of the best of 2015.

Playing emotive alt pop with soaring melodies, Cameron has built up a solid collection of work as he looks to release further music throughout 2016

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50SOC: Introducing Cameron Davidson

“Something seriously special and it won’t be long until the rest of the world realises it.” – Pure M Magazine

Cameron Davidson

Cameron Davidson was the frontman and songwriter for Southampton based 6 Minutes to Sunrise.

Since going solo he has played with Lonely the Brave, Natives, Man Made, Dolomite Minor, Funeral for a Friend and Nothing but Thieves. He recently played a live session for BBC Introducing, which was chosen as one of the best of 2015.

Playing emotive alt pop with soaring melodies, Cameron has built up a solid collection of work as he looks to release further music throughout 2016

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