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Midweek Matchzone – show 11 with Ronnie O’Sullivan and Chris Hood

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Tonight’s show was the latest featuring five-times world snooker champion Ronnie O’Sullivan as Chris’s co-host, and the first to have the new two hour time slot!

2015-07-23 Ronnie O'Sullivan and Chris Hood

Subjects discussed included Riga Open snooker, The Community Shield, John Stones, sports participation and the London 2012 games, Floyd Mayweather, plus Ronnie’s Challenge and Fantasy Snooker.

Alan Alger from Betway also talked this weekend’s Premier League odds.

Chris and Ronnie will be back next week at 6pm.

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Midweek Matchzone – show 11 with Ronnie O’Sullivan and Chris Hood

Click below to listen to the show again:

[mixcloud height=120 width=620][/mixcloud]

Tonight’s show was the latest featuring five-times world snooker champion Ronnie O’Sullivan as Chris’s co-host, and the first to have the new two hour time slot!

2015-07-23 Ronnie O'Sullivan and Chris Hood

Subjects discussed included Riga Open snooker, The Community Shield, John Stones, sports participation and the London 2012 games, Floyd Mayweather, plus Ronnie’s Challenge and Fantasy Snooker.

Alan Alger from Betway also talked this weekend’s Premier League odds.

Chris and Ronnie will be back next week at 6pm.

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Midweek Matchzone – show 11 with Ronnie O’Sullivan and Chris Hood

Click below to listen to the show again:

[mixcloud height=120 width=620][/mixcloud]

Tonight’s show was the latest featuring five-times world snooker champion Ronnie O’Sullivan as Chris’s co-host, and the first to have the new two hour time slot!

2015-07-23 Ronnie O'Sullivan and Chris Hood

Subjects discussed included Riga Open snooker, The Community Shield, John Stones, sports participation and the London 2012 games, Floyd Mayweather, plus Ronnie’s Challenge and Fantasy Snooker.

Alan Alger from Betway also talked this weekend’s Premier League odds.

Chris and Ronnie will be back next week at 6pm.

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Midweek Matchzone – show 11 with Ronnie O’Sullivan and Chris Hood

Click below to listen to the show again:

[mixcloud height=120 width=620][/mixcloud]

Tonight’s show was the latest featuring five-times world snooker champion Ronnie O’Sullivan as Chris’s co-host, and the first to have the new two hour time slot!

2015-07-23 Ronnie O'Sullivan and Chris Hood

Subjects discussed included Riga Open snooker, The Community Shield, John Stones, sports participation and the London 2012 games, Floyd Mayweather, plus Ronnie’s Challenge and Fantasy Snooker.

Alan Alger from Betway also talked this weekend’s Premier League odds.

Chris and Ronnie will be back next week at 6pm.

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