Brentwood: currently 3°C, cloudy
high today 8°C, low tonight 2°C
sunrise 07:47, sunset 15:50
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Looking For Liam at the Brentwood Festival

Great to catch up with former Sunday Lunch Show guests band ‘Looking for Liam’ at the Brentwood Festival last weekend.

I caught up with the band shortly after they had finished their set on the main stage at the Brentwood Festival on the Saturday

To listen to the interview click on the audio tab below;

Further information on the band can be found at:


'Looking for Liam' on the main Brentwood Festival Stage

‘Looking for Liam’ on the main Brentwood Festival Stage

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Looking For Liam at the Brentwood Festival

Great to catch up with former Sunday Lunch Show guests band ‘Looking for Liam’ at the Brentwood Festival last weekend.

I caught up with the band shortly after they had finished their set on the main stage at the Brentwood Festival on the Saturday

To listen to the interview click on the audio tab below;

Further information on the band can be found at:


'Looking for Liam' on the main Brentwood Festival Stage

‘Looking for Liam’ on the main Brentwood Festival Stage

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Looking For Liam at the Brentwood Festival

Great to catch up with former Sunday Lunch Show guests band ‘Looking for Liam’ at the Brentwood Festival last weekend.

I caught up with the band shortly after they had finished their set on the main stage at the Brentwood Festival on the Saturday

To listen to the interview click on the audio tab below;

Further information on the band can be found at:


'Looking for Liam' on the main Brentwood Festival Stage

‘Looking for Liam’ on the main Brentwood Festival Stage

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Looking For Liam at the Brentwood Festival

Great to catch up with former Sunday Lunch Show guests band ‘Looking for Liam’ at the Brentwood Festival last weekend.

I caught up with the band shortly after they had finished their set on the main stage at the Brentwood Festival on the Saturday

To listen to the interview click on the audio tab below;

Further information on the band can be found at:


'Looking for Liam' on the main Brentwood Festival Stage

‘Looking for Liam’ on the main Brentwood Festival Stage

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