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Local writer Meryl Spinks talks about her debut novel, Never My Love

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I was joined in the studio by local writer, Meryl Spinks, who came in to talk about her debut novel, NEVER MY LOVE.


Laura and Daniel had a complicated teenage romance. Twenty years later, life goes on with new marriages, children and old friends. The pair try to dismiss the young relationship as “never meant to be”, and have almost forgotten each other. However, cataclysmic realizations in both of their lives will remind them of their old love, and make them wonder “what if?” Were Laura and Daniel really destined to be together or apart?

About Meryl

Meryl was born in Ilford, when it was still in Essex. She now lives in a more rural part of it with her husband and two slightly crazy cats. Her two wonderful daughters have recently flown the nest to unversity. Over the years she has performed and directed many amatuer shows and writes plays and music in her spare time. Never My Love is Meryl’s first novel.

Available to buy from Amazon and Waterstones priced £8.99

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Local writer Meryl Spinks talks about her debut novel, Never My Love

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I was joined in the studio by local writer, Meryl Spinks, who came in to talk about her debut novel, NEVER MY LOVE.


Laura and Daniel had a complicated teenage romance. Twenty years later, life goes on with new marriages, children and old friends. The pair try to dismiss the young relationship as “never meant to be”, and have almost forgotten each other. However, cataclysmic realizations in both of their lives will remind them of their old love, and make them wonder “what if?” Were Laura and Daniel really destined to be together or apart?

About Meryl

Meryl was born in Ilford, when it was still in Essex. She now lives in a more rural part of it with her husband and two slightly crazy cats. Her two wonderful daughters have recently flown the nest to unversity. Over the years she has performed and directed many amatuer shows and writes plays and music in her spare time. Never My Love is Meryl’s first novel.

Available to buy from Amazon and Waterstones priced £8.99

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Local writer Meryl Spinks talks about her debut novel, Never My Love

meryl spinks 030913- edited


I was joined in the studio by local writer, Meryl Spinks, who came in to talk about her debut novel, NEVER MY LOVE.


Laura and Daniel had a complicated teenage romance. Twenty years later, life goes on with new marriages, children and old friends. The pair try to dismiss the young relationship as “never meant to be”, and have almost forgotten each other. However, cataclysmic realizations in both of their lives will remind them of their old love, and make them wonder “what if?” Were Laura and Daniel really destined to be together or apart?

About Meryl

Meryl was born in Ilford, when it was still in Essex. She now lives in a more rural part of it with her husband and two slightly crazy cats. Her two wonderful daughters have recently flown the nest to unversity. Over the years she has performed and directed many amatuer shows and writes plays and music in her spare time. Never My Love is Meryl’s first novel.

Available to buy from Amazon and Waterstones priced £8.99

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Local writer Meryl Spinks talks about her debut novel, Never My Love

meryl spinks 030913- edited


I was joined in the studio by local writer, Meryl Spinks, who came in to talk about her debut novel, NEVER MY LOVE.


Laura and Daniel had a complicated teenage romance. Twenty years later, life goes on with new marriages, children and old friends. The pair try to dismiss the young relationship as “never meant to be”, and have almost forgotten each other. However, cataclysmic realizations in both of their lives will remind them of their old love, and make them wonder “what if?” Were Laura and Daniel really destined to be together or apart?

About Meryl

Meryl was born in Ilford, when it was still in Essex. She now lives in a more rural part of it with her husband and two slightly crazy cats. Her two wonderful daughters have recently flown the nest to unversity. Over the years she has performed and directed many amatuer shows and writes plays and music in her spare time. Never My Love is Meryl’s first novel.

Available to buy from Amazon and Waterstones priced £8.99

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