Brentwood: currently 7°C, mostly clear
high today 15°C, low tonight 7°C
sunrise 07:07, sunset 18:27
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Editors - The Racing Rats
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Track of the Week

Happy St.George’s Day everyone!! We’ve got a brand new Track of the Week for you today, so all yours for absolutely nothing…

The Neighbourhood – Female Robbery

We’ll be playing it on-air every morning, so make sure you listen in (it sounds just that little bit better on the radio than on your iPod)


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Track of the Week

Happy St.George’s Day everyone!! We’ve got a brand new Track of the Week for you today, so all yours for absolutely nothing…

The Neighbourhood – Female Robbery

We’ll be playing it on-air every morning, so make sure you listen in (it sounds just that little bit better on the radio than on your iPod)


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Track of the Week

Happy St.George’s Day everyone!! We’ve got a brand new Track of the Week for you today, so all yours for absolutely nothing…

The Neighbourhood – Female Robbery

We’ll be playing it on-air every morning, so make sure you listen in (it sounds just that little bit better on the radio than on your iPod)


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Track of the Week

Happy St.George’s Day everyone!! We’ve got a brand new Track of the Week for you today, so all yours for absolutely nothing…

The Neighbourhood – Female Robbery

We’ll be playing it on-air every morning, so make sure you listen in (it sounds just that little bit better on the radio than on your iPod)


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