Brentwood: currently 11°C, cloudy
high today 13°C, low tonight 8°C
sunrise 07:48, sunset 15:50
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Rob Jelly, Tony Smith and myself talking about being nibbled by bed bugs, side burns, Scott Ross’s teeth and who played who in The Professionals


[audio:|titles=20120803110010 Ive been nibbled tony rob talking – edit]

Random banter between a few presenters on the start of my show…

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Rob Jelly, Tony Smith and myself talking about being nibbled by bed bugs, side burns, Scott Ross’s teeth and who played who in The Professionals


[audio:|titles=20120803110010 Ive been nibbled tony rob talking – edit]

Random banter between a few presenters on the start of my show…

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Rob Jelly, Tony Smith and myself talking about being nibbled by bed bugs, side burns, Scott Ross’s teeth and who played who in The Professionals


[audio:|titles=20120803110010 Ive been nibbled tony rob talking – edit]

Random banter between a few presenters on the start of my show…

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Rob Jelly, Tony Smith and myself talking about being nibbled by bed bugs, side burns, Scott Ross’s teeth and who played who in The Professionals


[audio:|titles=20120803110010 Ive been nibbled tony rob talking – edit]

Random banter between a few presenters on the start of my show…

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