In The Flower Garden
- Plant daffodil bulbs in pots and borders
- Check roses for suckers and cut off any you find, just below ground
- Trim conifer hedges to neaten their appearance and control height
- Empty pots of faded early summer bedding, adding old plants to the compost heap
- Buy tulip bulbs as soon as you find them but hold back from planting until late October-November
- Dig up gladioli corms after flowering to store until next spring
- Collect seeds, lay them out to dry, then store them in labelled envelopes
- Prune rambling roses, cutting out old stems that carried flowers and training in new shoots
- Take lavender cuttings by pulling off new shoots and inserting them in gritty compost
- Cut back perennials past their best
The Fruit and Vegetable Garden
- Keep picking summer-sown salads to prevent the plants running to seed
- Plant garlic cloves outside or in modular seed trays ready to plant out later this autumn
- Cover herbs like basil and parsley with cloches, or bring potted ones under cover
- Harvest globe artichokes
- Stake tall Brussels sprouts to stop them from blowing over
- Dig up chicory roots, cut off their tops and re-pot for forcing, to grow on in a dark shed
- Wrap grease bands around the trunks of apples, pears, cherries and plums to trap the crawling female winter moth
- Cut off whole trusses of unripe fruits from outdoor tomatoes before they’re hit by frost and ripen in a sheltered spot
- Plant out spring cabbages
- Dig up onions and lay them out in an airy space to dry before storing
The Greenhouse
- Take root cuttings from Japanese anemones and oriental poppies
- Pot up prepared hyacinths into bowls for indoor displays
- Pot up rooted cuttings taken in summer and early autumn
- Plant paper-white narcissi in pots
- Remove shading paint and netting to let in plenty of light
- Water dormant pots of cyclamen that were left to die down for the summer, and keep them in cool conditions
- Plant freesia corms in pots
- Check greenhouse heaters are in working order
- Bring pots of tender perennials and summer bulbs into the greenhouse
- Install a water butt under the gutter of your greenhouse to collect autumn rain fall
- Lay new turf and re-sow bare patches of lawn
- Pot up colchicums into decorative containers for bringing into the house
- Put up bug boxes to provide places for beneficial insects to hibernate
- Cut attractive seed heads for indoor arrangements
- Spread netting over ponds or water features to stop autumn leaves falling in
- Buy spring bulbs for autumn planting
- Order bare rooted roses, shrubs, fruit trees and hedging to plant over the coming months
- Brush away fungi and mushrooms growing on lawns
- Build a leaf bin out of posts and chicken wire to collect autumn leaves into
- Rake moss and thatch from lawns
- Sow pea seeds for shoots to add to salads.