Brentwood: currently 13°C, some cloud
high today 22°C, low tonight 12°C
sunrise 06:39, sunset 19:06
Now playing:
Yazoo - Don't Go
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Wednesday 28 October 2015,

On the week Duran Duran gained an award from MTV and it followed Q Magazine’s recent award to Gary Numan, read more

Martyn Dolls out the chat

Saturday 10 January 2015,

New year fully under way and as you may had heard in the show there are lots of music gigs read more

Never can say good bye

Saturday 19 April 2014,

As I’m a simple character, so was the show this Easter weekend, with some classic mind, and new tracks a read more

Kickstart your eyes

Saturday 12 April 2014,

A marathon of a show…. well maybe not 26 miles worth, but lots of racy things and hot music stuff read more