Brentwood: currently 2°C, cloudy
high today 5°C, low tonight 2°C
sunrise 07:59, sunset 16:15
Now playing:
Alice Cooper - Schools Out (M)
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Synth Revival MIA

Wednesday 7 October 2015,

Right, summer is over so stop teasing us weather, we want cold wet dam and winter… we can plan our read more

Studio fly in

Wednesday 19 August 2015,

Well well well, At the weekend just gone I took myself off to the Seaside, to Brighton to catch the read more

Last hurrah

Saturday 30 May 2015,

Well its the Month of May and Its time to wind up the regular Saturday Breakfast show, which I called read more

Weather Fracture

Saturday 5 July 2014,

Hot weather please stay…..I was trying to recover from my mad family seaside jaunt to Southend, with some great loud read more

D-Revival Synth

Saturday 7 June 2014,

It is always great to be able to play music and hear it live, but without support it can be read more

Never can say good bye

Saturday 19 April 2014,

As I’m a simple character, so was the show this Easter weekend, with some classic mind, and new tracks a read more

Unlucky 13 and 2014 dawns

Sunday 29 December 2013,

As another final end of year passes, I liked to look forward these days but its only fair to also read more

Sympathetic city

Saturday 26 October 2013,

Great to be back after my jaunt last week to Birmingham, where there was a great little music event Synthetic read more

Bank that Holiday

Saturday 24 August 2013,

Weather may had been typical for a UK bank holiday but that didn’t stop the music, and despite the fact read more

Whicker wrap

Saturday 13 July 2013,

Blimey what a scorcher, as they say- weather was hot too….. None the less we had a great mix of read more