Brentwood: currently 6°C, light showers
high today 12°C, low tonight 6°C
sunrise 07:51, sunset 15:49
Now playing:
Radiohead - Karma Police
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That’s the Spirit

Wednesday 12 October 2016,

Swinging into October, and saying bye bye to the lovely summer….ahem, well the brighter  weather, but never mind as the read more

Shady Character

Wednesday 2 September 2015,

Its here Autumn and all its falling leaf falling fun….well trying to be positive as the Summer starts to disappear- read more

Revel Rebel

Wednesday 26 August 2015,

Well as that there August draws to a close and the sunglasses get set for a dusty draw, I attempted read more

Studio fly in

Wednesday 19 August 2015,

Well well well, At the weekend just gone I took myself off to the Seaside, to Brighton to catch the read more

The right Price

Wednesday 5 August 2015,

Nice to start a new month with a new guest or two, and this week we had a chat with read more

That’s Crazy Biesh

Saturday 1 February 2014,

Ok hands up,  I do love comedy clips and get carried away, and this week I was channelling  a message read more