Brentwood: currently 6°C, light rain
high today 12°C, low tonight 6°C
sunrise 07:51, sunset 15:49
Now playing:
Radiohead - Karma Police
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March Echoes

Wednesday 2 March 2016,

Welcome to the spring starting type March month, and along with better weather we know this means more live events- read more

Leaping Keys

Wednesday 24 February 2016,

As another month ends, or rather gets closer I get to thinking is it all going too fast or is read more

Studio fly in

Wednesday 19 August 2015,

Well well well, At the weekend just gone I took myself off to the Seaside, to Brighton to catch the read more

Beeb ranter

Wednesday 12 August 2015,

Back once again like the renegade massive…or something like that. All was normal this week in the studio, me you read more