Brentwood: currently 6°C, cloudy
high today 7°C, low tonight 2°C
sunrise 07:46, sunset 16:35
Now playing:
Boxer Rebellion - Soviets
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October’s Summer is a bygone..

Saturday 8 October 2011,

It has been a funny old week, and now we are finally in a world we are used to, winter…oh read more

Viva la weekend…..

Saturday 20 August 2011,

It appears V is for weekend..well just viva la weekend, if your not attending the annual V festival. Like me read more

Mid Summer marvellous….

Saturday 2 July 2011,

This weekend I decided not mention the weird weather of the last week…but clearly as I write this I ‘ve failed, as read more

Drive – Le Mat

Friday 15 April 2011,

Back in the eighties, the Leepers knocked on the doors of the big time, at the height of their career read more

First out of the trap in lane 98 …

Saturday 8 January 2011,

Well this week was the first non Christmas or holiday’esk show…..and as we dusted off the record box, we made read more