Brentwood: currently 3°C, cloudy
high today 5°C, low tonight 2°C
sunrise 07:59, sunset 16:15
Now playing:
Blondshell - T&A
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Voi Vang time

Wednesday 30 November 2016,

Last Synth City show of November 2016 it is, and blimey is it almost that there Christmas…the period where we read more

Push-up host

Wednesday 27 July 2016,

Slightly cooler this here week, the weather, not me- I’m always rather cool….thanks to the studio air conditioning anyway. A read more

Hey June

Wednesday 8 June 2016,

So this is summer 2016, or maybe it is the slow start of it. wet and sunny the UK way read more

Halo to you

Saturday 25 April 2015,

As April draws to a busy close, we had another selection of great new music on the show and a read more