Brentwood: currently 2°C, cloudy
high today 9°C, low tonight 2°C
sunrise 07:45, sunset 16:37
Now playing:
Gwen Stefani - Bouquet
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Banging Brizzle

Wednesday 27 January 2016,

Well, here we are again, another splendid show….well the artists I had on were. This weekend just gone was a read more


Wednesday 28 October 2015,

On the week Duran Duran gained an award from MTV and it followed Q Magazine’s recent award to Gary Numan, read more

Last hurrah

Saturday 30 May 2015,

Well its the Month of May and Its time to wind up the regular Saturday Breakfast show, which I called read more

The last but one

Saturday 23 May 2015,

As you may had noticed, there was no Electronic Breakfast for the last two Saturdays. Well, thats because I had read more

The Force awaken place

Saturday 18 April 2015,

The Force is strong with this one and so were the tracks, as we yet again had a bounty of read more

Apache Firebird

Saturday 28 March 2015,

Well it is the end of March and the clocks are due to go back, but no fear we had read more

Paid Breakfast

Saturday 7 February 2015,

An almost TOP GEAR stunt start to the show this week, as I skidded on frosty roads to avoid a read more

Under the Stars of 2015

Saturday 3 January 2015,

The game is a foot as they say, and straight away we have a few exclusive ala debut tracks on read more

A christmas emerge

Saturday 13 December 2014,

Finally time to play the odd Christmas record or two now, and luckily I had a few that suited my read more

Back to Normal with Johnny

Saturday 6 December 2014,

First show of the month and Christmas is but a shiny moment away, and I’m not ready. On the show read more

Funky vile mode

Saturday 13 September 2014,

Always a busy show, never a chore for me….well I don’t like to gripe; much. but then it is easy read more