Brentwood: currently 6°C, light rain
high today 7°C, low tonight 6°C
sunrise 07:53, sunset 15:49
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Roman Jugg - Truly Electric Camembert 3 (with Mark Elliott) (09 Dec 2024)
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Today we played both Bee Gees (the original) and Take That (a cover). Which do you prefer??

First up, the original from the undeniable Bee Gees…

And then there’s the cover version by this bunch of yobos…

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Compare The Music


Today we played both Bee Gees (the original) and Take That (a cover). Which do you prefer??

First up, the original from the undeniable Bee Gees…

And then there’s the cover version by this bunch of yobos…

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Compare The Music


Today we played both Bee Gees (the original) and Take That (a cover). Which do you prefer??

First up, the original from the undeniable Bee Gees…

And then there’s the cover version by this bunch of yobos…

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Compare The Music


Today we played both Bee Gees (the original) and Take That (a cover). Which do you prefer??

First up, the original from the undeniable Bee Gees…

And then there’s the cover version by this bunch of yobos…

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