Brentwood: currently 6°C, light rain
high today 7°C, low tonight 6°C
sunrise 07:53, sunset 15:49
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Roman Jugg - Truly Electric Camembert 3 (with Mark Elliott) (09 Dec 2024)
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We’ll be here all through the New Year celebrations

Happy Boxing Day everyone!!!

Did we all get something nice from Santy Claus?? Good good. Well this is just a wee reminder that despite the festivities, board games, TV repeats and waaay too much food, Producer Tim and I will be inside your radios every weekday morn with our usual random selection of music, games, rubbish jokes and Showbiz news too. So, while you make the most of the time off don’t forget we’re not!! See you all in the morning.


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We’ll be here all through the New Year celebrations

Happy Boxing Day everyone!!!

Did we all get something nice from Santy Claus?? Good good. Well this is just a wee reminder that despite the festivities, board games, TV repeats and waaay too much food, Producer Tim and I will be inside your radios every weekday morn with our usual random selection of music, games, rubbish jokes and Showbiz news too. So, while you make the most of the time off don’t forget we’re not!! See you all in the morning.


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We’ll be here all through the New Year celebrations

Happy Boxing Day everyone!!!

Did we all get something nice from Santy Claus?? Good good. Well this is just a wee reminder that despite the festivities, board games, TV repeats and waaay too much food, Producer Tim and I will be inside your radios every weekday morn with our usual random selection of music, games, rubbish jokes and Showbiz news too. So, while you make the most of the time off don’t forget we’re not!! See you all in the morning.


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We’ll be here all through the New Year celebrations

Happy Boxing Day everyone!!!

Did we all get something nice from Santy Claus?? Good good. Well this is just a wee reminder that despite the festivities, board games, TV repeats and waaay too much food, Producer Tim and I will be inside your radios every weekday morn with our usual random selection of music, games, rubbish jokes and Showbiz news too. So, while you make the most of the time off don’t forget we’re not!! See you all in the morning.


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