Brentwood: currently 3°C, cloudy
high today 4°C, low tonight 0°C
sunrise 07:12, sunset 17:13
Now playing:
Booker T and the MG's - Green Onions
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House Of Fun – What’s the Best? The 70s or Now?

Sunday 2 December 2018,

What’s the best? The 70s or now?  Find out Essex feels about this and why….. and the best music with read more

House Of Fun -Karin Ridgers with inspirational plant based chef, speaker, presenter and author Keith Squires.

Saturday 20 October 2018,

My guest on tonight’s show was chef and yoga teacher Keith Squires.

House of Fun with Tim Barford, Peter Egan and ‘Free From’ Desserts

Friday 16 March 2018,

This week I was joined by Tim Barford, Peter Egan and Free From Desserts!