Brentwood: currently 6°C, light rain
high today 7°C, low tonight 6°C
sunrise 07:53, sunset 15:49
Now playing:
Abba - Dancing Queen (M)
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Dani Clay backstage Interview

Sunday 27 July 2014,

We caught up with Dani Clay of Dani Clay and the Moderators backstage at the Brentwood Festival Have a listen read more

Backstage interview with Paul Cook

Sunday 27 July 2014,

Brad: How did it go today? Paul: It was great. I enjoyed the set and the crowd were very receptive. read more

Emma Jane backstage at The Brentwood Festival

Sunday 27 July 2014,

It was great catching up with Emma Jane and her band amongst the madness of The Brentwood Festival 2014. They read more